June 2012 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

June 26, 2012

Attendance: Brent Thompson, Deb Wright, Randy Ulseth, Erik Olson, David Amundson, Fran Kacon, Myrna Sampson, Stacey Heins, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Ellen Ryan, Diane Bankers, Dawn Plested, Katie Kerr, Mark Vizenor, Karen Renaud, Pat Runquist, Bob Woods.

Absent: Jo DeFeyter

GROWTH – Randy Ulseth

  • Dr. Bob Wieland, Executive VP of Allina Clinic and Community Division gave a presentation on the AIM Network – Allina Integrated Medical Network.
  • Lorry Massa, President of the Minnesota Hospital Association presented information on the state and federal legislative issues.
  • Discussion on providing support for Jessica Olen while in medical school.
  • Urgent care space development was discussed. More information at the July meeting.
  • Working on a collaboration agreement for Psychiatric Services with Kanabec County.
  • Board approved moving forward on the purchase of a new ambulance.
  • A letter to the Editor is being written in support of the school referendum from the Board.

FINANCE – David Amundson

  • David presented the financials for May, noting a solid month.
  • Outpatient surgeries rebounded in May.

QUALITY – Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen presented information on the HCAHPS and CGCAHPS, inpatient and clinic surveys.
  • Annual education requirements that are being completed through OLE/Swank –will include all new employees.

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

  • Kim reviewed the Probationary Evaluation form that is completed for new employees or employees that have changed jobs within the organization. It is completed after 3 months for full time employees and after 520 hours for part time. If you have any concerns or questions with regards to filling out the form – contact Kim in HR.
  • Reminder that any staff that is injured while at work must notify HR and complete the employee injury form. Forms must be completed and reported within 14 days.
  • Employee Focus groups have met and Kim will be reviewing the results at the July department meeting. Great feedback from those that attended.
  • Chad Jensen, paramedic has returned home from his deployment in Iraq. There will be a welcome back celebration on July 17 from 9 – 10:30 in the meeting rooms.

SERVICE – Dawn Plested

  • Dawn provided an update on the phone surveys that were conducted. They have been completed and she has received the results. She will be meeting with Randy and will present to the department managers at an upcoming meeting.


  • Katie met with Marco to review the lease program and color printing costs. In an effort to keep down the cost of printing in color, IT will be working on setting the defaults to select black and white copies unless you manually select a color copy. More information to follow.


  • A new policy and procedure has been developed for phone calls that have originated through the hospital and clinic assistance is needed. Hospital staff will transfer phone calls to extension 6030 during the hours of 7:30am – 5:00pm, and on Saturdays until 1:00 p.m. If there are questions, contact Stacey Heins.


  • Equipment donation questions should be directed to Pat Runquist.
  • Dustin Paulson retirement party is Friday, June 29th.
  • Athletic trainer has started; she will be working primarily in Pine City at the PCHS.
  • Dr. Yeh will be starting in Outpatient Services in July.
  • Sue B. will be setting up a meeting on the security access process.
  • Pharmacy provided a department update.
  • Community picnic for Pine City is July 11, August 8th is Hinckley.
  • Kids Safety Camp was a huge success, Pine City is scheduled for July13, and Hinckley is August 10.
  • Sports physical clinic is scheduled for Tuesday, July 10 in Mora.
  • Environmental Services has hired two new employees.
  • Diane Bankers gave a department update on new nursing employees.