June 2009 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes


June 24, 2009

Attendance: Randy Ulseth, Myrna Sampson, Jo DeFeyter, Bob Woods, Kim Carlson, Kris Bombard, Chris Kimbler, Karen Renaud, Rose Ryan, Dawn Plested, Pat Runquist Gordy Forbort, Fran Kacon

 Absent: Diane Bankers Deb Wright, Ellen Ryan, Bill Kellogg, Brent Thompson, Sue Belford,

Hospital Board Update

· The Facility Planning/Architect firm, DSGW presented a facility master planning executive summary. The recommendation to the hospital board is to move forward with the building of a new inpatient wing. Gordy will do a financial feasibility study.

· Randy attended a CEO Summit in Minneapolis with Ken Paulus and other CEO’s. They discussed way to address quality healthcare and ways to reduce the cost of healthcare. It was a very encouraging and informative meeting.

· Board packets are now being printed back to back as part of the green initiative.

Financial Update/Gordy Forbort’

· Gordy presented the financials for May. We continue to be close to our 2009 budget. Surgery and ED visits were up for May.

COO Update/Chris Kimbler

· Employee Health Guidelines policy is being reviewed and revised for strep and conjunctivitis screens. Tracking and documentation is being added to the policy.

· Policy on selling supplies from the storeroom has been revised to distinguish between business hours and when the storeroom is closed. Staff should review policy on line.

· Policy committee continues to meet monthly with departments.

· Committee has been formed for the Green Initiative project. They will be gathering information from departments on energy management, waste management and inventory control. They will be looking at what is currently being done and what else can we do.

Human Resources/Kim Carlson

· Employee Satisfaction survey will be sent out to employees in July. A letter explaining the process is included with this week’s pay stub. This will be done annually for at least three years. Please encourage employees to complete the hard copy or complete it online.

· Reminder to employees to fill out a new “Employee Record Form” when there is any status changes.

· The completed annual education spreadsheet should be emailed to Sheri at the end of the year or when all of the staff has completed the training or education.

Marketing Update/Dawn Plested

· Center Stage Health event, June 25th – Osteoporosis. All staff are welcome.

· A Men’s and Women’s night out is being developed as a community outreach event and the focus will be on preventative care. Any topics or ideas should be directed to Dawn. Plan to start In October.

· A community wide newsletter is being developed. Any articles or areas of interest should be submitted to Dawn.

· Lunch and Learns on the Extranet have been scheduled for Thursday, June 25th and Thursday, July 2nd. The Employee extranet has gone live and staff is encouraged to view the site.


· Department updates should be submitted to Kris Bombard by the end of next week.

· Digital mammography begins this week.

· Convenience Care goes into effect July 6th.

· Price increases have taken place in the cafeteria. Dietary is promoting health eating in the cafeteria and nutritional content will begin being displayed with menus.

Kris Bombard, Recorder