June 2010 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

June 23, 2010

Attendance: Randy Ulseth, Sue Belford, Lezlie Carpen (Summer intern), Fran Kacon, Gordy Forbort, Pat Runquist, Karen Renaud, Brent Thompson, Ellen Ryan, Katie Kerr, Kris Bombard, Bill Kellogg, Dawn Plested

Absent: Deb Wright, Kim Carlson, Chris Kimbler, Myrna Sampson, Diane Bankers, Bob Woods, Joanne DeFeyter

Hospital Board Update/Randy Ulseth

  • A review of marketing initiatives and programs was presented by Dawn Plested.
  • Consulting firm of Russell Herder presented a proposal for the branding and possible name change of our new facilities.
  • An update was given on the MNA nurse’s strike and how it could impact the hospital.
  • Clinic purchase update was given – agreements are in the final stages.
  • Building committee update was given.

Financial Update/Gordy Forbort

  • Gordy reviewed the June financials. June was similar to prior months – volumes are down as well as stats and revenue.

Facility/Branding Update/Dawn Plested

  • Dawn reviewed the process that the consulting company will be using to determine a possible name change. They will be gathering information from the community, as well as from the hospital. It will most likely take a couple of months.


  • Role based security access is nearing completion.
  • Pharmacy has a number of interns working over the summer.
  • If departments have copier, printer or toner issues, please contact Pat Runquist and also Marco. Reminder that there is a form that can be filled out on the intranet.
  • Lab has new students working throughout the summer, three week rotations.
  • Meditech 5.6 implementation going well. IT has been busy working with Allina on transition processes.
  • Katie Kerr presented at the E-Health Summit Conference on Kanabec Hospital’s EHR and how we plan to meet the Meaningful Use Standards.
  • New hires year to date are at 22 through June, there were 49 total in 2009. Students year to date are at 20.
  • Center Stage Health Event on Thursday, June 24th – COPD – Lung Health
  • Kanabec Hospital was chosen as one of 24 hospitals to participate in a project called “Transforming Care at the Bedside” with the MHA. The project will provide training for a group of nurses to involve patients in improving perceptions of care, managing change and building team environments.
  • We have received the Palliative Care Grant.
  • Ellen Ryan and Chris Kimbler will be presenting at the Minnesota Alliance for Patient Safety’s annual convention on Just Culture integration with Kanabec Hospital.