June 2019: Violence Prevention Update

Below is an update from the Violence Prevention program for our organization.  This is a committee that will continuously seek ways to better care for our patients and team.

In 2018/2019 they have worked hard to implement and strategize ways to improve our process and environment.

Below are some of the changes/additions that have been implemented: 

  1. The afterhours visitor processes were defined so guests are being escorting by staff as needed.
  2. Kanabec County Sheriff Office was given access to our Mora Campus via their fobs. This will allow them to enter any door based on where help is needed
  3. In conjunction with the expansion project, FLHS is in the process of completing the installation of 100+ security cameras throughout and outside the facility. Prior to this install, there were 16 cameras.
  4. All parking lots are now well-lit utilizing better LED lighting.
  5. Safe and safest rooms are now available and functional as part of the building program both for Med/Surg and ED.
  6. Additional panic buttons are now installed at the nurse’s station at the Mora Clinic.
  7. With the new build, the nurse/provider/computer seating arrangement has been configured so that it is now located near the door for safe exiting should that be needed.
  8. Hinckley Clinic staff completed training with the Pine County Sheriff’s Office.
  9. North Memorial Medical team presented training on Violence Prevention in November with over 100 employees attending.
  10. Brian and AJ have completed a week-long course on Critical Intervention Team Training: Mental Health Response in December. They will be working with the Violence Prevention Team to bring that education forth in the fall of 2019.
  11. Brian attended a course on Hospital Security Officer, Use of Force Instructor Training in May of 2019.

The Core team is also working on improving our mental health process utilizing best practice standards and flow sheets.

Violence committee members: Kari Frahm (nursing), Rae-Ann Crowell (nursing), AJ Skochenski (ems), June Juday (ems), Jill Sawyer (ed), Diane Bankers (nursing), Ashley Beimert (facilities ), Mindy Blood (clinic registration), Garrett Estenson (rehab), Stacey Heins (clinic registration), Brian Lilly (facilities ), LeAnn McMullen (imaging), Brent Nihart (clinic nursing), Melody Norgaard (imaging), Mandy Odencrans (rehab), Jenn Peterson (social services), Kayla Ross (nursing), Ellen Ryan (administration), Heather Sanftner (nursing), Julie Schumcher (pharmacy), Jessica Stokes (clinic nursing), Brent Thompson (pharmacy), Mark Vizenor (facilities), Michelle Volk (HR)