July is UV Safety Month

For those that worship the sun to those that cover up, with sunny weather in the forecast, its a good time to review some tips on how to be ‘SUN SMART’

S-Sunscreen-use it!
U-Use caution near water as it reflects and intensifies damaging rays
N-Non-melanoma-3,500,000 cases of skin cancer in the U.S. this year-the most common of all cancer types

S-Seek shade-between 10 A.M and 2 P.M.
M-Moles-get them checked
A-Apply-sunscreen 30 minutes BEFORE exposure
R-Reapply-sunscreen often
T-Tan-there is no such thing as a healthy suntan

Check out these resources for more information on sun safety and how to prevent skin cancer.

Sun safety-ACS
