July 2010 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

July 28, 2010

Attendance: Kim Carlson, Kris Bombard, Randy Ulseth, Bill Kellogg, Katie Kerr, Pat Runquist, Fran Kacon, Ellen Ryan, Bob Woods, Deb Wright, Sue Belford, Diane Bankers, Jo DeFeyter, Karen Renaud, Myrna Sampson, Dawn Plested

Absent: Gordy Forbort, Brent Thompson

Hospital Board/Financial Update/Randy Ulseth

  • DSGW presented a power point on the progress of the Pine Clinic project.
  • Groundbreaking event will take place in the next couple of weeks.
  • Contracts for Clinic purchase are to be completed by end of the week.
  • Randy presented an update on his CEO goals.
  • Discussion on the possibility of a making a donation to the Mora bike trail.
  • Financials were reviewed by Randy. Year to date is below budget.

Holidays/ Chris Kimbler.

  • Discussion on how to staff holidays within various departments. It was decided to address it further at the next department manager meeting.

Human Resources Update/Kim Carlson

  • Kim discussed staffing requisitions and employee record forms. They are now in a form template and can be completed online. Once completed, forward them to the appropriate person for approval. They can be found on the public folder under forms in the HR folder. See Kim with any questions or concerns.
  • Orientation for new employees is now being held in the training room where they will be given computer access for the necessary areas, complete the tests online and also check out the intranet. Reminder to managers to arrange for lunch with your new employee on their first day of orientation – second day – lunch with Randy.
  • Kim reviewed employee absences/FMLA questions that need to be asked when an employee is out for an extended amount of time. There are strict guidelines for completing the forms for FMLA.

Branding Update and Timeline/Dawn Plested

  • Dawn gave a presentation to the department managers similar to the one given by Russell Herder, the consulting firm the hospital has hired for the branding, name and logo change.
  • A branding committee has been formed and interviews have been held with individual members.
  • Reviewed time line and gave an overview of the process of name and logo change.


  • Dr. Matt Allen will be starting in the clinic in late September, he is also working some shifts in the ED.
  • Sue Belford reminded managers to use ‘User Access Request Forms” rather than email her with changes and additions.
  • Radiology buildout update was given.
  • Fit Testing – see Cindy Teichroew if your department requires fit testing – these include direct patient care areas.
  • As part of the disaster planning – NIMS classes will be completed. Watch for an email from Ellen with more information.
  • Quality Risk module is being worked on. Should be up and running the end of August.
  • Katie Kerr presented information on our print service – approximately 25 desk top printers will be eliminated and will generate a huge cost savings. This will start sometime in August. Watch for more information.
  • Hinckley clinic remodel will start the 13th of August – they will be closed for 2 weeks.
  • Center Stage Health for July had a great turnout – over 80 attended.
  • Newsletter has been sent out.
  • Mike Dahlheim will be giving a presentation on the green team and our results at t the HHRAM conference in September.
  • New dietary flooring is being fixed over the weekend.