July 2011 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

July 27, 2011

Attendance: Fran Kacon, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Randy Ulseth, Dawn Plested, Chris Kimbler, Ellen Ryan, Myrna Sampson, Katie Kerr, Deb Wright, Erik Olson, Sue Belford, Pat Runquist, Diane Bankers, Bill Kellogg, Brent Thompson

Absent: Bob Woods, Gordy Forbort, Karen Renaud

Hospital Board/Financial Update – Randy Ulseth

  • Randy provided an update on the strategic focus of SISU. They are moving from a Co-op of hospitals towards a “for profit” IT company to be able to meet the business needs of current and future customers.
  • The County board is appointing a nominating committee to facilitate the replacement of the three board members whose terms will expire at the end of 2011.
  • Maureen Swan from MedTrend, Inc. has been contracted as our consultant for our strategic plan. She will interview board members, department managers and physicians.
  • A Minnesota State government update was presented.
  • Grant writer candidate has been selected.
  • June was a good month financially compared to budget.

Education and Training – Chris Kimbler

  • Discussion continued from the previous department manager meeting regarding training and education. Managers provided input on his/her department needs and gave examples of what they have done regarding education and training. Managers are to continue to review his/her budget and in addition think of ways that we can provide education/training in house, through webinars, train the trainer, etc.

Employee Medical Record – Sue Belford

  • A reminder that employees are to review the Employee Handbook and in particular, Section VIII, Access to Personal Health Information (PHI). All employees are required to review this section. Managers can send Sue Belford a list of the employees that have reviewed it. Contact Sue Belford with questions.


  • Erik Olson gave an update of clinic happenings. Radiant is now installed. Mickey Gross will be retiring at the end of August.
  • Sara Helmbrecht will be out on maternity leave starting 7/27.
  • Kim reminded managers on the FMLA process.
  • EMTALA policy changes were approved by the hospital board
  • Reminder for departments to scheduled quarterly department meetings with Randy. Contact Kris to schedule.
  • Emergency Operations Plan has been updated and reviewed by Safety Committee and Disaster Committee. It will be reviewed and approved at the August board meeting.
  • Hazard Vulnerability analysis has been completed for 2011. Top three hazards are tornadoes, violence and mass casualty incidents.
  • A computer has been set up in the surgery waiting area for family members and visitors.
  • Reminder to forward invoices to Ellen if they were items the Auxiliary approved to purchase.
  • Jake from Rehab is conducting impact testing on 45 students.
  • New employee starting in Rehab on August 1st.
  • Center Stage Health, Surgical Services – Thursday, July 28th. Dr. Liew will be presenting.
  • August 17th – Pine City Community Picnic.
  • Randy provided a physician recruitment update – talking with two married couples for family practice in addition to a resident and 2 individuals for general surgery.
  • Grand Hinckley Casino is interested in having the hospital provide mid level coverage.