July 2012 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

July 24, 2012

Attendance: Brent Thompson, Deb Wright, Randy Ulseth, Erik Olson, Myrna Sampson, Stacey Heins, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Ellen Ryan, Diane Bankers, Dawn Plested, Katie Kerr, Mark Vizenor, Karen Renaud, Pat Runquist, Bob Woods.

Absent: Jo DeFeyter, David Amundson, Fran Kacon


  • Carol Russell presented the findings for the patient survey results. Three hundred fifty patients who had visited the clinic and/or the hospital in the last 12 months were interviewed by phone. The three main areas of focus:
  • The importance of patient satisfaction
  • How is FirstLight Health System doing?
  • What can we do to build success?
  • Listed below are the next steps:
  • Share research results with staff
  • Choose 2-3 goals
  • Identify at least one strategy to accomplish each goal
  • Determine how success will be measured
  • Return information by August 13t
  • Formulate questions and process for focus groups
  • Focus group
  • Present information
  • Final plan/implementation


  • Stephanie Schroeder from HealthCare Alliance presented an overview on the organization, its mission and the resources available.
  • Information was presented on revenue bond refinancing.
  • Approval to move forward with Urgent Care project.
  • Reviewed CEO goals and accomplishments for 2nd quarter of 2012.
  • Financials were reviewed for June.

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

  • Follow up information was presented and discussion was held on the employee focus groups.
  • Kim will be coordinating some training this fall on working with co-workers.

HIS – Sue Belford

  • Sue reviewed the revised User Access Request Form. It will be placed on the intranet and also on the public folder under forms.
  • As part of the Privacy, Security and Risk Analysis, a form has been developed, “Privacy and Security Walkthrough Monitoring”. Forms are to be completed and returned to Sue by August 15th. See Sue Belford if there are questions.


  • Dr. Iwu has started working the ED. Dr. Yeh has started in Oncology.
  • IT staff is able to assist with work related PC equipment, not personal computers, ipads, notebooks, etc.
  • Starlight Committee has started its School Supply Drive.
  • Hinckley community picnic August 8th, Pine City Kids camp – August 10th.
  • Kris Paulson is retiring on July 31st.
  • The Wellness Care Guide position has been filled – welcome Jessica Swan.
  • Bob gave an update on physician recruitment.
  • Erik reviewed all the new hires that have occurred in recent months.
  • Overhead music discussion – decision to use “easy listening” – Erik will work with Mark to facilitate.
  • An offer has been made for the CEO at SISU.