Jessica Bentley

Meet Jessica Bentley
Position: Pharmacy Student
Start Date: 11/11/19
Birthday: 4/27
Background/Educations: Attended University of Minnesota - Twin Cities where I received a BS in Nutrition Studies. Moved back to hometown of Duluth for pharmacy school at U of M - Duluth College of Pharmacy. This will be my 6th rotation of my final year of school before graduating in May 2020.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? Exploring a health system unfamiliar to me and getting to know the staff and patients that make it great.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Anything disney - especially Lion King 2. Titanic 3. Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit
What is your favorite color? Green
Do you have a nickname? Jess
What are your hobbies?: I love to travel - always adding new places to my bucket list and planning my next adventure. I most recently went to Belize in March. Day to day hobbies include reading, watching movies/documentaries, photography and playing board games with family and friends. I also love to horseback ride and used to spend my summers competing in hunter/jumper shows.