January 2013 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

January 31, 2013

Attendance: Randy Ulseth, Erik Olson, Myrna Sampson, Stacey Heins, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Ellen Ryan, Dawn Plested, David Amundson, Karen Renaud, Sue Belford, Mark Vizenor, Brent Thompson, Diane Bankers, Garrett Estenson, Sara Slotness, Pat Runquist

Absent: Bob Woods


  • Kim presented Employee Partnership Results to the Board.
  • Election of 2013 Officers for the Board.
  • Round table discussion on the January 2013 Trustee Conference.

FINANCE – David Amundson

  • December had increased volumes
  • Strong financial performance for December, ended the year well positioned for 2013.

QUALITY – Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen provided an update on the Adverse Health Report that was published January 31st
  • Auxiliary requests have been emailed out to the managers. When considering a request, focus on patient care. The amount the Auxiliary will donate will be similar to last year.
  • Update on Influenza. A big thank you to the Infection Prevention Committee and Marketing for keeping the employees updated.

FACILITIES – Mark Vizenor

  • A new form, Badge Access Request is now being used for new employees or employees moving to different departments. Jody Brown will email it to managers when there is a change or new employee.
  • Updated fire plan maps were distributed, if you need additional copies, contact Kris
  • The Meeting Room Request form has been updated. Please complete the form if you need specific items or you would like the room set up a certain way. Email the completed forms to Kris or Rose and they will attach them to the meeting room calendars.
  • The Annual Departmental Review, Key audit and badge access will be distributed to managers. Please have them completed by February 12th – the same due date for the Departmental Provision of Care.

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

  • Kim presented overall facility results from the Employee Partnership Survey. She discussed the plans for rolling out the results to the departments. Kim will be sending out an organization wide communication within the next couple of weeks.
  • Discussion on Hard Wiring Excellence. Managers are to bring 1 or 2 ideas from the book to the next meeting.
  • Summer Interns – If you have projects or ideas for interns to work in your department this summer, email Kim with your requests as soon as possible.


  • Discussion on Bike Shelter and the options available. Consensus was to evaluate the use of the existing white garage by the Ambulance house. Erik will proceed.
  • Quarterly intranet training will be held on 2/6 from 11:30 – 12:30 in the training room if you have staff interested in a refresher.
  • Reminder – Vasaloppet is February 10th – FLHS is sponsoring a soup stop, contact Dawn if you would to volunteer.
  • Community Service Group held their first meeting. If interested in being a part of this group, contact Dawn.
  • There will be a mini health fair in Pine City in April.
  • OT and Speech are now being offered in Pine City.
  • Brent gave an update on pharmacy happenings.
  • Diane thanked the nursing staff and other departments that worked so hard during the last few weeks.
  • Sara Slotness, interim manager for IT informed managers about an upcoming Excellian kick off meeting. She will email out the date when it is selected.
  • Environmental Services now has two pagers on the inforad paging system.