January 2010 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

January 26, 2010

Attendance: Kim Carlson, Deb Wright, Kris Bombard, Bill Kellogg Katie Kerr, Myrna Sampson, Fran Kacon, Sue Belford, Ellen Ryan, Bob Woods, Gordy Forbort, Chris Kimbler, Dawn Plested. Karen Renaud, Brent Thompson, Diane Bankers

Absent: Jo DeFeyter, Pat Runquist

Hospital Board Update/ Randy Ulseth

  • Senator Tony Lourey and Representative Tim Faust were in attendance and presented information and a policy update on the upcoming legislative session.
  • Randy reviewed the Term Sheet for Kanabec Hospital and Allina. Key issue include management, financial arrangement, non-compete and board make up.
  • Hospital board members presented information on the Trustee Conference they attended in January.
  • Discussion on donation requests.
  • New hospital board member, Paul Kent was in attendance

Financial Update/Gordy Forbort

  • Gordy presented the financials for December reviewed year end results.
  • Auditors will be here next week.

Security Update/Sue Belford

  • Sue Belford and Katie Kerr have been working on the security process for changing or resetting network and Meditech passwords. There are a large number of employees that have not completed the security questions. A list of employees that need to complete the process will be sent out to managers.
  • Reminder to managers that the Termination checklists should be sent to Human Resources when employees are no longer working.

COO Update/Chris Kimbler

  • Chris presented an update on the policy and procedure committee. A schedule of when departments will meet with the committee in 2010 was distributed including what’s new for 2010.

Green Team Update/Chris Kimbler

  • Review of the progress Green Team made in 2009 – Departments were asked to submit what had been done as part of the green initiative. Positive results from all departments.
  • Team divided information into three areas: Energy management, waste management and product selection.
  • 2010 goals include obtaining certification in Energy Star certification and lead certification in addition to acquiring a 50% reduction in paper waste.
  • Power point on “Why Build Green” was presented.
  • Each department will be receiving information to use to submit department specific goals for 2010.

Quality Update/Ellen Ryan

  • Department managers received a packet of information on Safety review, annual departmental report, provision of care and a key listing for their department. The reports are to be turned in by Wednesday, February 17th to Kris Bombard.

Human Resource Update/Kim Carlson

  • Kim presented a new policy and procedure on “Social Networking”. Once approved at the policy and procedure, managers will be notified to share it with staff.
  • Reminder that PTO cash out forms are to be completed and turned in to HR one week prior to payroll, not the day of payroll.
  • New orientation process has started with two parts on two days, 1 – Welcome orientation and 2 – Hospital-wide orientation.
  • There have been 12 brainstorming sessions with 3 left to be held. Kim will distribute to the managers the notes and information from the sessions and managers are to have action plans entered by March 1st. Questions, contact Kim.
  • Reminder to managers to forward applause cards on to employees who have been recognized.
  • Annual education spreadsheet should be forwarded on to Sheri in HR when all education has been completed for employees within the department. The form to use is the Annual Ed Summary


  • Lifestyle show is in Pine City this weekend.
  • Center stage health – Healthy Eating is the topic.
  • Reminder to set up quarterly meetings with Dawn to review current events within your department.
  • Imaging remodel is moving forward – completion date, tentatively August.
  • LPN students are here
  • Second Osteoporosis class/program has been completed with very positive results
  • PT in Hinckley is up to three full days.
  • Weight loss program is ready to start – class is full with 20 participants, starting 2/16.
  • Kanabec Hospital will be reporting on the two additional core measure sets in 2010. These sets include the treatment and care of patients having chest pain and/or acute myocardial infarction and outpatient measures which include the timing and selection of antibiotics prior to a surgical procedure.
  • Welcome Melynda Hjares – new ambulance supervisor.
  • Healthcare Alliance received funding to create a common, standardized orientation course for healthcare students ready to enter clinical. This would eliminate the need for every provider to orient every cohort of students – except on some policies that might be unique to that facility.

Kris Bombard, Recorder