Holiday De-stress Challenge

With the holiday season in full swing, it can be a stressful time. The Employee Wellness Committee challenges you to de-stress this December!

Here’s how to join:

  1. Select one de-stress technique for the month of December to practice each day.
  2. Sign up by Tuesday, December 3rd by emailing Please include your de-stress technique!
  3. De-stress yourself throughout the month using your selected technique. Tracking sheet is below.
  4. If needed, you may take up to four days “off” from your de-stress commitment (free days).
  5. Turn in your calendar by Monday, January 6th  to Anna Schultz/Employee Wellness. Participation and completion are on the honor system.

All participants are entered into a weekly drawing for a massage ($60 value) AND will receive a participation prize at the end of the challenge! Below are some examples of stress relieving techniques (not limited to):

  • Guided imagery
  • Deep breathing
  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Eat and drink sensibly
  • Adequate sleep
  • Journaling

Reach out with any questions!