Healthy Weight Weekly Tip #3: Healthy Weight Tips and Tricks

Here are some interesting ideas to try from WebMD-Weight Loss Wisdom, that may help you take control of your eating. 

  1.  Chew gum in the grocery store.  While chewing gum, people felt less hungry and had fewer junk food cravings, according to two studies.
  2. Serve yourself healthy stuff first.  Diners at buffets tend to take larger servings of the first few foods they see, a study shows.  Dish up salad and other veggies before fattier meats and sides.
  3. Buy your lunch with cash.  It’s easier to buy junk food and desserts when using plastic.  Something about handing over cold, hard cash gives people cause.  You may be more apt to purchase something green when using green.
  4. Use blue plates.  Believe it or not, the color of your dishes may make a difference in how much food you serve yourself.  The more food blends in with the plate color, the more chow you’re likely to take, research shows.  Consider using plates in a different hue.
  5. Use smaller bowls and plates.  The size of your dishes gives your brain cues about how much you’re “supposed” to eat–and a bigger dish means more food.
  6. Hit the pause button before giving in to a craving.  Try to delay the urge to graze.  When a craving hits, do something else for 5-10 minutes, then see if you still want to eat.  Chances are the urge will have faded, at least a little.
  7. Always order the “small.”  A large container can tempt you to eat more food, even if you’re full or it doesn’t taste good.  Order the smallest size and it will most likely be enough to satisfy you.