February 2015 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

February 25, 2015

Attendance: Becky Gallik, Jo DeFeyter, Leann McMullen, Bob Woods, Ella Stenstrom, Kim Tepley, Garrett Estenson, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Mark Vizenor, Sandy Zutz-Wiczek, Karen Renaud, Diane Bankers, Stacy Heins, Julie Ray, Ellen Ryan, Randy Ulseth, Brent Thompson

Absent: Dave Schlicher

GROWTH – Randy Ulseth

  • Randy reviewed the proposal on the Mora campus from DSGW. Board approved moving forward to the planning process.
  • Pine City Urgency center update.
  • Randy reviewed the Organizational chart.
  • Discussion on “Rounding” frequency for departments that have 35 or more employees.
  • Manager vs. Director title changes discussion.

FINANCE – Ella Stenstrom

  • January financials – revenues and volumes were up.
  • Great cost control.
  • Ella has been meeting with some departments to start developing statistics.

QUALITY – Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen noted that the 45 and 60 day correction action plans have been submitted, we are waiting for formal acceptance.

COO Update – Sandy Zutz-Wiczek

  • Sandy presented a new form “Change Management Form” that will be incorporated into M-files. The form will be used as a way for departments to work together on various projects, etc.
  • Discussion on Chronic Care Management CPT Code. Sandy is working with Jen Peterson on the Care Plan and this will allow FirstLight to offer more continuity of care.

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

  • Summer internship program will be offered again this year. If you have areas that could use interns from Memorial Day to Labor Day – let Kim know. Once we receive the amount MHA will be funding, we can select the number of interns.
  • Top Workplace Survey – we will again be participating. Survey will be sent out electronically the end of March.
  • Next LDI is set for March 25th. More information to follow.
  • Behaviors of Excellence Team – the team has been selected and will be notified in the near future. They will be establishing what kinds of behaviors are expected of our employees.
  • Update on Employee Evaluations, review of goal scores and expectations.
  • LEM Goal discussion – Kim reviewed the process and what the next steps will include. The March 25th LDI will focus on the LEM.
  • M-Files staffing requisition. Kim provided a demo of how to enter a staffing requisition into M-Files and how it flows through the system


  • Randy thanked those that worked the Vasoloppet – it was a great event.
  • Vote “YES” for the schools discussion. If you are interested in being on a committee for the Vote Yes, contact Randy.
  • Bus to Bus Network – a networking group that meets weekly – if you are interested, let Randy know.
  • Pharmacy has a new intern, Emily.
  • Becky Gallik updated managers on Meaningful Use. We are moving into Stage 2.
  • Amanda Strom has started in the Quality Department working with Ellen.
  • Volunteer/Auxiliary services will be under the direction of Kim Carlson. Look for the forms for Auxiliary requests to be emailed soon. Requests should include items that would enhance patient care and improve patient satisfaction.
  • Nursing update – hiring a few more nurses.
  • Physician recruitment update – a Family Practice physician will be touring the hospital next week.
  • Ella reported that we will go back to Tier II for BCBS for state employees on March 1st.
  • Marketing update by Kim Tepley.
  • Garrett gave an update on happenings in Rehab.
  • Clinic nursing update included the hiring of 2 LPN’s.
  • Mock Code in Pine City went well – thanks to all involved.
  • PC construction update – moving along, steel is now above ground.
  • New badge readers in some areas have been installed.
  • Materials Management is working on implementing a lock down for entry into Materials Management – for inventory control. Employees may use the buzzer to get assistance. Let Mark know if you have any concerns.
  • Key audit has been distributed – please return to Dick Westerman once completed.
  • We are working on a new website build – our old contract runs out in June.
  • Karen gave an update on Lab happenings.