February 2011 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

February 23, 2011

Attendance: Myrna Sampson, Kim Carlson, Kris Bombard, Deb Wright, Sue Belford, Ann – HIS Student from St. Scholastica, Dawn Plested, Katie Kerr, Chris Kimbler, Diane Bankers, Bob Woods, Randy Ulseth, Fran Kacon, Pat Runquist, Brent Thompson, Karen Renaud, Bill Kellogg,

Absent: Jo DeFeyter, Gordy Forbort, Ellen Ryan

 Hospital Board/Financial Update – Randy Ulseth

  • Ellen presented education on the quality reports that are part of the monthly board packet
  • New organizational chart was presented and approved
  • Pine City building is complete – ribbon cutting is 2/28 and open house is 3/3
  • Capital and operating budgets were approved
  • Update on Clinic transition
  • CEO Evaluation was completed
  • Financials for January were reviewed
Transition Discussion

Randy opened up discussion on the transition process allowing managers to give an update on his/her department’s opportunities and accomplishments with regards to the acquisition and merge.  Some of the major discussion included:

  • Signage – Taking place starting today and throughout the next couple of weeks
  • New radio spots and ads will be rolled out March 1, 2011
  • Photo shoot next week after ribbon cutting ceremony
  • IT – Moving of the Business Office, HIS and PT will be done during the next couple of days
  • Phone cutover from PC to our lines will occur on 2/25/11
  •  Install of new lab hardware will occur on Monday evening at Pine City and Hinckley
  •  Pine City Clinic update – Environmental Services to do final clean on Monday – art work has been displayed
  •  Courier service will be available to the clinics for supplies and other items
  •  FirstLight forms are coming along, many have already been changed. Letterhead should arrive by Friday
  •  Business cards are being proofed this week – then off to the printer
  •  Clinic employees have been entered into Time Trak and much of the required online education and other employment requirements have been completed
  •  New FirstLight badges are being completed and will be distributed to employees
  •  Instructions and education for view only access on Excellian will be forthcoming from Sue Belford
  •  Role based access – managers were asked to complete forms on public rather than an email to Sue Belford
  •  There will be just one phone number that will be used for both Pine City and Hinckley physical therapy
  •  Physical Therapy will be available in Pine City until noon on Thursday,  It will reopen for business on Tuesday
  •  My Chart will go live with the hospital on March 1, 2011. There will also be an iPhone app available
  •  Mammography will be available in Pine City starting around the middle of March, 2011
  •  Imaging Open House is March 15th