February 2010 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

February 22, 2010

Attendance: Kim Carlson, Deb Wright, Kris Bombard, Bill Kellogg, Katie Kerr, Myrna Sampson, Fran Kacon, Sue Belford, Ellen Ryan, Bob Woods, Gordy Forbort, Chris Kimbler, Dawn Plested, Karen Renaud, Brent Thompson, Diane Bankers, Pat Runquist, Jo DeFeyter

Hospital Board Update/ Randy Ulseth

  • Dan Frein, from Larson Allen presented the 2009 financial audit results to the hospital board. There were no audited adjustments.
  • Green team update was given with a presentation by Mike Dahlheim. Goals for 2009 and 2010 were discussed along with the interest for the hospital to obtain LEED certification.
  • Randy presented an update on the CEO goals and accomplishments.
  • Discussion was held on the Allina relationship. Continuing to move forward.

Financial Update/Gordy Forbort

  • Gordy reviewed the financials for January.

Quality Update/Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen reviewed the Quality Measures for the 3rd quarter of 2009.
  • A PowerPoint presentation on the 2010 National Patient Safety Goals was given. Each patient safety goal was reviewed.


  • Randy gave an update on the recruiting process – we are talking with primary care doctors, ER doctors, General surgeons and OB GYN’s. Ongoing process.
  • There are two family practice doctors starting in 2010, Danielle Bergman and Matt Allen.
  • Managers are reminded to enter Press Ganey action items by next week.
  • If there are forms you would like put on the intranet, let Sheri Roeschlein know.
  • We have an additional small conference room where meetings can be held – it is located in Administration. Schedule meetings through Kris Bombard or Rose Hansen.
  • Contact Christa Johnson if you need to schedule CPR recertification– she will get you a key code and schedule the CPR skills stations.
  • There is a new entrance to HIS – it is located down the business hallway.
  • Sue Belford and Katie Kerr attended training on role based security access. They will be scheduling meetings with managers.
  • Kanabec Hospital sponsored a team for the Vasaloppet. Thanks to all who volunteered.
  • Pod casting is now available on the intranet.
  • Center Stage Health – Patient Safety and Wellness is the topic for March.
  • Newsletter will be going out the end of March.
  • Approximately 120 employees have signed up for the “Lose 10 in ‘10”.
  • Gordy presented information on the Accounts Receiving/Billing process and how quickly we recover our bills.
  • Katie provided information on a Federal Grant from the Social Security Administration that will help us with the Meaningful Use Standard.
  • We are now using 30% recycled paper.

Kris Bombard, Recorder