February 2014 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

February 26, 2014

Attendance: Myrna Sampson, Kris Bombard, Ellen Ryan, Becky Gallik, Sue Belford, Diane Bankers, Stacey Heins, Dave Schlicher, Brent Thompson, Kim Carlson, Troy Keach, Garrett Estenson, Ella Stenstrom, Mark Vizenor, Dawn Plested, Bob Woods, Jo DeFeyter, Joe Dvorak (Pharmacy )

Absent: Karen Renaud, Randy Ulseth


  • Ella Stenstrom presented a powerpoint on the Revenue Cycle for FirstLight.
  • Quality Measures and Performance Improvement reports for the 4th quarter were shared.
  • FirstCare Charity Program was approved with a few changes.
  • CEO goals for 2014 were reviewed.
  • Recognition from MHA on FirstLight’s Infection Prevention work.
  • Thank you’s received from two physician recruits.


  • Ella reviewed the financials for January.
  • January stats were down in most areas, patient revenue was up and expenses were up due to Excellian.

QUALITY/Ellen Ryan

  • Auxiliary funding requests will be mailed out to the managers. Submit the completed form to Ellen.

PEOPLE/Kim Carlson

  • Discussion on Employee Medical History. Consensus to change the color of the form to match other required forms that must be completed or new employee will not be able to start employment.
  • Tuition Reimbursement policy was discussed. More information will be forthcoming.
  • Kim presented a demo on the application process for M-files.
  • Off-site leadership retreat is scheduled for April 17th.
  • Employees will be receiving the online Top Workplace survey next week.


  • Interviewing for Hospital Imaging Manager – 2 finalists
  • Starting to see some applicants for Clinic Services Manager


  • Key and badge audits are to be returned to Dick Westerman.
  • Annual Safety Review will be emailed out in the next few days.
  • Materials Management will be doing the outgoing mail – mail machine will be located in their department.


  • Ambulance provided a department update – lots of happenings.
  • Rehab still has an open PT position. Garrett gave an update on Rehab services.
  • There will be 8 students from St Cloud here as part of the RN mobility program.
  • New surgeon starting in July – one is leaving in March.
  • New sterile storage space.
  • Laptops and PC’s are out about 6 – 8 weeks. Submit a capital purchase request as soon as possible if you have budgeted for one.
  • Becky gave an update on Excellian.
  • Meaningful Use Stage 2 update.
  • Expenses related to Excellian should now be coded to your individual departments.
  • E-statements are now available.
  • Sue asked that access forms be submitted as soon as possible for new employees.
  • ICD 10 is coming.
  • March 7 – Retirement party for Sam. Meeting rooms.
  • Community newsletter will be going out soon, if you have items to be included, send them to Dawn.
  • Update on Telehealth pilot program for ED patients.
  • Discussion on transportation for our patients – looking at options.


  • Discussion and highlights were given including examples and personal experiences on the following articles:
  • Connect with Hearts and Minds
  • 99.63% is not Enough
  • Downsizing – Stop the Rumor Mill Today
  • The Buy In Factor
  • Rounding for Outcomes
  • HCAHPS Success