February 2013 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

February 2013

Attendance: Randy Ulseth, Jo DeFeyter, Myrna Sampson, Stacey Heins, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Ellen Ryan, Dawn Plested, Karen Renaud, Sue Belford, Diane Bankers, Garrett Estenson, Sara Slotness, Bob Woods

Absent: Erik Olson, David Amundson, Mark Vizenor, Brent Thompson, Pat Runquist


  • Discussion on an article distributed at the department manager meeting regarding employee satisfaction as a key factor to raising the level of rural medical care.
  • Sara Slotness presented an overview of the Excellian timeline and implementation.
  • Randy reported that three Board members have received MHA Trustee Certification.
  • A legislative update was given.
  • January financials were very good. Starting the year off with a healthy bottom line.

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

  • Reminder to send requests to Kim if you have areas that you could support a summer intern.
  • The managers and supervisors that received department specific results have met with Kim to discuss their information. The results are being delivered during upcoming staff meetings. Goals will be established by department and worked on throughout the year. The focus areas organizationally are Communication and Accountability. More information will be provided throughout the year as we strive to make FLHS an awesome place to work and care for our patients

SECURITY – Sue Belford

  • Privacy and Security walkthrough quarterly review checklists will be delivered to managers to complete and return to Sue by March 11th.
  • Privacy and Security Final Rule has passed which will include a number of changes to some policies and procedures including Breach Notification policy, Notice of Privacy Practice and the Business Associate Agreement.
  • Discussion on remote access for managers and supervisors.

SERVICE – Ellen Ryan/Dawn Plested

  • Patient Experience vendors for outpatient areas are being reviewed by Ellen and Dawn. A decision is expected within the next two weeks.


  • Excellian “GO LIVE’ is January 31. 2014.
  • New mail machine in mail room.
  • When filling out tuition reimbursement forms, make sure that Administration signs off before it goes back to HR.
  • Reminder – auxiliary requests should be sent to Ellen.
  • Cardiac Rehab will now have a role in Health Dynamics.
  • Ellen reported on an Adverse Health Event.
  • Dawn gave an update on the development of pro-active communication from the information received through the focus groups and surveys. Weekly text messages will start being sent out from FLHS to new moms, OB patients and Wellness First participants.
  • Wellness First is already exceeding expectations. Reminder to sign up for the Wellness First program offered to employees.


  • Managers had the opportunity to talk about his/her take away from the book using examples from work or a personal situation.
  • Next assignment – managers are to bring an actionable item that he/she did to improve patient care or employee experience.

Recorder, Kris Bombard