Employee Wellness Update

The weight loss challenge is in full swing!  I have heard much chatter around healthy eating, am witnessing employees using their breaks, lunch hours or after work time for exercise, and see people utilizing the scales for regular weigh-ins.  Great effort everyone!  Keep encouraging one another and ask for support if you need it.

Couple of reminders:

  • Continue to utilize the scales for routine weigh ins if you like!  The next required weigh in isn’t until the week of March 7th so you are encouraged to weigh in on your own to keep track of your progress.
  • The first BONUS CHALLENGE-The Fruit and Veggie Challenge-starts on Monday February 8th (not Feb 5th-sorry about the misprint on the original form).  Start tracking your consumption of ONE fruit and ONE vegetable each day, 6 out of 7 days each week.  This should be attainable for most since our recommendation is 5 a day. 🙂 The grid for the bonus challenges is attached for those that need it.  IF YOU ARE IN THE WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE, YOU ARE AUTOMATICALLY IN THIS CHALLENGE (BUT IT IS NOT REQUIRED), NO SIGN UP NEEDED.

Remember that every healthy effort matters.

Weight Loss Challenge 2016