Employee Gym Now Open!

We are pleased to announce that the Employee Gym at the Mora campus is now open!

In effort to protect the health of every employee who utilizes the gym, and in accordance with the MN Department of Health recommendations, please review and follow the Reopen Plan described below. Thank you!

Employee Gym Reopen Plan

Key Requirements:

  • Develop and implement a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan – Facility-wide
  • Ensure Social Distancing
    • 6 feet between each person and equipment – Equipment has been marked off to maintain 6 foot distancing
    • Limit to 25% maximum occupant capacity – Maximum capacity is 50, so we will limit gym use to 12 people at a time.  This is posted on the door.
  • Strongly encourage facial coverings – All employees are strongly encouraged to utilize facial coverings while participating in the employee gym.
  • Establish regular disinfection routine – Each participant is expected to disinfect each piece of equipment after he/she uses it.  Liquid disinfectant and cloth towels are available in the gym.
  • Group exercise classes should only be offered if distancing requirements can be maintained and with no person-to-person physical contact – Groups of staff members will self-assure proper distancing if participating in group activity.

Other Considerations:

  • Since both locker rooms are being used for female scrub changing areas, the men’s locker room will be unavailable to men.
  • Water fountains continue to be turned off, so each employee will need to supply his/her own water
  • Hand Sanitizer is available for all gym participants
  • Fans have been removed from service.
  • Air filters are in compliance with MN Department of Health recommendations
  • Monitoring for Compliance:  Employees will self-monitor compliance, a designated employee will perform a walk-through to provide intermittent compliance checks and re-education as necessary at least 5 days per week.

MN Department of Health Industry Guidance for Safely Reopening Gyms and Fitness Centers https://mn.gov/deed/assets/gym-fitness-center-industry-guidance-acc_tcm1045-434834.pdf