Construction Update #9 8/9

Dates: 8/14 – proposed finished date 2/12/18

Note:  Dates listed are approximate; please remember to allow for flexbility as issues sometimes arise that couldn’t be planned for.

What’s Happening?

  • Installation of construction fencing around main entrance in preparation of MAIN ENTRANCE closure, on 8/14
  • Parking and entrance area will be blocked off the evening of 8/13
  • Signage is being printed redirecting patients to our Emergency Entrance
  • Beginning 8/14, extra volunteers will be available and VIP hours will be extended


Who is impacted?

  • All staff
  • Patients

Who to contact if you have questions:

  • Your supervisor or manager
  • Mark Vizenor x3475
  • IT x9191
  • EVS x3953
  • Kim Carlson, x3610 (for volunteers)
  • Brenda Moos, x3335 (for Registration)
  • Patty Paul x3363 (for Rehabilitation Services)

Click here for details