Congratulations to Grace Akkerman on her retirement!

Grace has been with the rehabilitation family for 30 years. Grace started at Kanabec Hospital in 1990 when there were three staff members in the PT department, Rita Richardson, Jean Mork and herself.   She played a vital role in the growth of that one room department to the large multi-therapist department of today.

We recognize her dedication as a team player throughout the years, as she continued to advance her skills and knowledge in order to provide the best patient care possible and adapt to the ever- evolving rigor of the therapy profession.

Grace’s accomplishments over the years include becoming certified in the LSVT BIG program for Parkinson’s and a Certified Wound Care Associate.

We thank Grace for her commitment to exceptional patient care over the years.  Her positive impact on patients and co-workers alike will always be remembered and appreciated. 

Grace’s last day is Monday, October 12th.  There will not be a formal party, but feel free to drop Grace a card or word of congratulations.

~your rehabilitation family