Christina Gaalswyk

Meet Christina Gaalswyk
Position: Pediatric Occuapational Therapist
Start Date: 9/26/16
Birthday: 10/26
Background/Educations: Undergrad - Westmost College, Santa Barbara, CA
Post-grad - University of Washington
Kindering - Seattle, WA Early Intervention OT
Essentia Duluth - PED OT
Kijabe AIC Hospital - Kijabe Kenya, Therapy Educator OT
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? Starting a focus on pediatric OT in intervention in the Mora Community
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Elf 2. Love Actually 3. You've Got Mail
What is your favorite color? Blue
What are your hobbies?: Being active - running, biking, hiking, tennis, cooking healthy food, spending time with family and friends, and training our new puppy (Hartley).