Chris Newton

Meet Chris Newton
Position: Materials Management Manager
Start Date: 1/14/19
Birthday: 4/1
Background/Educations: Bachelor's in Marketing from Minnesota State University, Mankato. MBA in General Management from Capella University.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? My first impressions were that the people are very friendly; that is something that isn't found in every work place. Leaders look to be very involved, which is very important to me as an employee.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Rockstar 2. Old School 3. Dances With Wolves
What is your favorite color? Red
What are your hobbies?: I enjoy being outdoors: hunting, fishing, hiking, riding ATV. I enjoy spending time around Hayward, WI with my family/friends at our cabin. I come from a very small family, so spending time with my family is very important to me.