*New Walk/Run Route Maps*

Scattered throughout the main waiting areas in Mora (the Main entrance, ED, Clinic, and surgery) there are cards to take that can help with achieving daily walking or running goals- for either for yourself our patients!

There are maps for 1 mile, 2 mile, 3 mile and 4 mile routes.




Health Milestones Wellness Challenge ends Dec 4th

Just a reminder that the Health Milestones Challenge ends December 4th!  Turn in your completed sheets to Deb Wright by Wednesday, December 9th.  Great job to everyone who has already completed their sheet and to those still working on completing this challenge!

Also, there will be no WOW Tip of the Week this week.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.

Blood Pressure

WOW Tip of the Week: Energy In = Energy Out

This all sounds good, this perfect equation of energy in = energy out.  But the fact of the matter is, most of us have too much energy (food) going in and not enough energy going out (how much we burn).  This is mostly due to too large portions and lack of physical activity.

Here is a peek at calorie content of some common foods and the amount of energy it takes to burn off those calories.

9 minutes of walking to burn off 12 carrots versus 60 minutes of walking to burn off a donut.

This poster is hanging in the wellness office for those that want to take a peek in person.

Poster pic

6 days left to contribute to the Coin Drive!

coin drive 11-5

Here is another peek at the contributions for the Coin Drive to Keep A Child Warm.  The main container is filling up with some coins AND paper!  The FINAL collection will be next week.  We still have time to reach our $500.00 goal!  We had a couple of $50.00 donations-WOW!

Thank you so much for your contribution.  It will be exciting to see how much we can raise as an organization.

Locations of cans:  business office, rehab, wellness, lab, imaging, surgery, IP floor (by ice machine), dining room, Mora clinic, PC clinic, Hinckley Clinic.


WOW Tip of the Week-Blood Pressure Part 1

Blood Pressure

Getting your blood pressure checked is one of the options on the employee wellness challenge – Health Milestones Challenge.  It is a simple and quick measure you can take that is available at numerous areas in our own organization!

High blood pressure (HBP) or hypertension is often called a “silent killer” because many people have it but do not know it.  HBP puts stress on your blood vessel walls.  There are usually no signs or symptoms.  Over time HBP can lead to: heart attack, heart failure, stroke, and kidney disease.

Your blood pressure is checked with two numbers.  The top number (systolic) shows the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats.  The bottom number (diastolic) shows the pressure in your arteries when your heart rests.

Ideal blood pressure is if you have a top number lower than 120 and a bottom number lower than 80.

Areas in OUR organization where you can get your blood pressure checked:

  • Cardiac Services
  • Wellness Office
  • Ask any of our wonderful nurses, I’m sure they would be happy to check it for you

If you have blood pressure consistently outside of the ideal range, take action!  Talk with your provider about lifestyle changes or possible treatment.

Kids Against Hunger food packing event-THANK YOU!

A huge THANK YOU to 8 FirstLight employees and families for helping at the Kids Against Hunger event on Sunday November 1st at Calvary Lutheran Church!  Check out all the boxes of food this crew packed!

Thank you to: Garrett Estenson and kids, Becky Gallik and son, Becki Baumann and kids, Kim Pierson and family, Jill Sawyer and granddaughter, Nicole Westman and family, Jenny Matykiewicz and daughter, and Barb Fore.  You guys are awesome!

Food will be delivered to our four local food pantries this week.

2015 group picCompleted bags 2015

Boxes 2015Packing line group 2015


Health Risk Assessment or HRA – what is it?

Family Health Manager (FHM) is an online tool available on the FirstLight Health System website that can help you manage your overall health, get you connected to local resources, and is a platform to explore health improvement options.

One component of the FHM is the Health Risk Assessment or HRA.  This is a self-administered, confidential assessment where you answer various questions about your health from 10 different categories including:  sleep, nutrition, activity, well-being, medical, pain, alcohol, stress, smoking and weight.  The assessment gives you an overall health score out of 100.  You are also able to see how you scored in each of the 10 categories individually and access resources related to those categories.

Take the *HRA today to get your personalized health score!


*This is also one of the components of the Health Milestones Challenge.

WELLkids Program

WellnessFirst just finished up a 4-week wellness program for kids at Trailview School grades 3-6.  Throughout the weeks kids were able to try a variety of activities such as stilts, pogo sticks, jump ropes, hula hoops, yoga, and exercises using elastic bands.  The group also had a great nutrition lesson each class from Danna Woods. RD, LD.  Kids learned about whole grains, how to choose a healthy snack, the benefits of buying local produce, and sampled a groovy green smoothie containing fruits and spinach (and yes! they loved it!)

The kids got a give-a-way each week that they could use to be healthy at home.  They received: a jump rope, water bottle, a pedometer, an elastic band and lots of info on physical activity and healthy eating.

FirstLight partnered with Mora Community Education to provide this program.

Here are some pics of our WELLkids.

Danna-whole grain Kids with green smoothies kids with hula hoops-group shot

Employee Wellness Update

HEALTH MILESTONES CHALLENGE: How are you doing with the Health Milestones challenge?  Many employees have turned in their COMPLETED sheets already!  Great job!  This challenge ends on Friday December 4th.  Turn in your completed sheets to Deb Wright in Wellness.

EMPLOYEE WELLNESS SURVEY:  The employee wellness survey is still open for two more days!  This survey will close on Friday October 30th.  We have 66 surveys completed so far and have gained some great feedback to help make 2016 a great year for improving employee health.

Thank you for your input!
