Employee Wellness Challenge – The Veggie Bracket Challenge

Veggie bracket-Deb’s version


Just a reminder that a NEW employee wellness challenge starts Sunday August 14th.  This is a great way to add more veggies to your plate!  Over the next month, try each of the veggies on the sheet and pick your favorite. Turn in your brackets by Friday September 22nd to be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card to Coborn’s.

Here are some recipes provided by Melissa Merrick, RD, LD to try throughout the month.

Beets on the Grill

Eggplant Parmesan Rollatini

Grilled Eggplant Provolone

Grilled Vegetables with Balsamic Vinegar

Kale and Pepper Stir-Fry

Kale Caesar Salad with Creamy Parmesan Dressing

Microwave Corn on the Cob

Penne with Tomatoes,

Eggplant and Mozzarella

Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers

Roasted Beets ‘n’ Sweets

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus Recipe

Summer Radish Salad

Vegetable Roasting Guide

Zucchini Brownies

WOW Tip of the Week: Why is it good to work out at work?

FirstLight wants employees to stay healthy and succeed on the job.  Consider working out at work!

Here are the benefits of working out at work:tennis shoes, male

  • boosts energy
  • improves job performance
  • creates workplace happiness
  • boosts brain power
  • stimulates creativity
  • and some studies even show that those who exercise regularly earn 6-10% more than their sedentary counterparts!

So when you are feeling a little low on energy or are having trouble focusing…use your break or lunch to check out the employee gym or head outside for a brisk walk.


Music in the Park

We will be at Music in the Park tomorrow Thursday, July 21st at 6:30pm serving lemonade in these cool color-changing cups!  (Don’t worry, it doesn’t change your beverage color; just the cup changes color.)

Music in the park is at the Mora Library Park, on Wood St. and Maple Ave.


I think we already have enough employees volunteering for this event but we might be able to use extra hands-1-2 more people- to help serve.  We will be serving from 6:30-about 7:15ish.  Let me know if interested.  Or just come on out and listen to some Bluegrass music and enjoy the evening!



WOW Tip – The Benefits of Meeting A Goal: Mental Toughness

Implementing a new healthy habit can be difficult.  The first step is asking yourself if you are ready to implement a new healthy change.  If you are motivated and ready to change, setting a goal is key to success.  Creating a goal that you can work toward can be very helpful and provide a clear objective to strive for.

A benefit of setting and actually meeting a goal is the mental toughness or resilience that you develop along the way to meeting your goal; you find strength and determination that you did not know you had.  This is typically from having a few setbacks along the way and needing to overcome obstacles in your journey.  It also makes the thought of pursuing new goals not quite as frightening because you ‘been there, done that.’  It gives you an inner belief that you can succeed.

So, along with the great feeling of accomplishing something you set out to do, you will also gain mental toughness along the way.

It starts with setting a goal.

Employee Wellness Survey RESULTS

wellness on pavement with woman running

Thank you to all employees who completed the 3-question employee wellness survey and provided feedback to make our program better.  Your input is appreciated.  We had 166 employees take part in the survey with lots of great ideas and comments shared.

The wellness committee is happy to share that the results from the first question show 88.95% of employees have implemented a healthy change in their life due in part to the employee wellness program.  WOW!  That’s a lot of hard work!

Thank you employees for your participation in wellness activities.  Your support and participation help make the program successful and drive future wellness activities.

We would also like to thank Resource Training and Solutions for funding FL employee wellness events.

Employee wellness survey

Employee Wellness Challenge-Red, White and Blue HEALTHY YOU Challenge

Red, White and Blue HEALTHY YOU Challenge

New employee wellness challenge starting JULY 1st – Red, White and Blue HEALTHY YOU Challenge.  The purpose of this challenge is to do something healthy everyday if you can.  When you complete a task, mark that day with an X. You don’t have to do the task on the particular day it is listed, just complete the task sometime during the month.  It’s ok if you have a couple days where you do more than one thing, but the purpose of this challenge is to spread out the tasks throughout the month.

Turn in your completed calendars by Monday, August 8th to be entered into one of three drawings for a summer fun basket (grill, beach/picnic, theater/movies) worth up to $100 each.

Red, White and Blue HEALTHY YOU Challenge

And keep those “Show Your Bib” pictures coming!  The Show Your Bib challenge will go through November.

WOW Tip of the Week: Sun Safety Awareness

sun safety

Tis the season for sun safety!

Research shows that 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. Source: American Academy of Dermatology. Taking steps to protect yourself from the sun-or at least minimizing exposure to harmful rays-is actually easy.  Learn ways to protect yourself by checking out the link below for great resources on sunscreen facts and FAQ’s, skin cancer facts, and sun safety tips.
