Online registration ends SOON for the ColorSplash5k!

Online registration for the ColorSplash5k closes May 31st.  Just 6 more days.  Don’t miss out on the fun!  This year we will have 3 colored powder stations and 2 party paint stations, along with a little confetti.

Race day:  Saturday, June 3rd, 9:00am at the Mora Library Park

Your race swag bag includes:  sunglasses, tattoo, color packet, race bib, package of wipes, t-shirt (not guaranteed after May 22nd as t-shirt order was already submitted.  Extras were ordered and will be available at packet pick up, (first come, first served), and when you cross the finish line a finishers stainless steel logo’d dog tag medal on a 30in chain.

(sneak peek at the medal)

Use Promo Code FLHS5%5DAYS at check out to get 5% off your registration total (valid through 5/28 at midnight).

Register at:

If you aren’t interested in participating, we could still use a few volunteers to help on race day!  Contact Deb Wright at if interested.

Congratulations to Our Employee Gym All-Stars!

Congratulations to our Top Employee Gym All-Stars!  Keep up the great work everyone!

NEW! Those in the top three each month will receive a HIGH FIVE! token.  Stop down to the wellness office to pick up your token if you haven’t already received one.

Don’t forget to sign in when you use the gym.  This gives us an idea of how well the gym is utilized and supports further development of the employee wellness program.  Thank you!

Mental Health Month-Time to Unwind

Don’t let stress wind you up!   Time for around the world…walk the dog… or rock the baby.

If you want a laugh, try out this toy from the past.  Come down to the Meeting Rooms on Monday, May 22nd between 2:00pm-2:30pm and try out a classic or butterfly yo-yo or just enjoy watching the fun.  There might even be a little contest….


Of course satellite clinics are in on the fun too!  They will be sent a supply of yo-yos and are encouraged to participate.

Sponsored by The Employee Wellness Committee

ColorSplash5k-Don’t forget to register!

4 days left to take advantage of EARLY BIRD pricing for the ColorSplash5k! 

What makes the “splash” in this race?  PARTY PAINT!  This year we have powder stations AND party paint stations to shower our participants with crazy amounts of color.  There might even be some confetti flying around.  The kids are sure to love it!

Don’t miss out on this fun, family-friendly experience.  Register 4 or more in your group during your registration process (all under one registration) and all paying students/adults in your group will receive $5.00 off the registration fee.

Check out these photos from last year’s event.  SO.MUCH.FUN. 


















Register here:


Healthy Weight Weekly Tip #3: Healthy Weight Tips and Tricks

Here are some interesting ideas to try from WebMD-Weight Loss Wisdom, that may help you take control of your eating. 

  1.  Chew gum in the grocery store.  While chewing gum, people felt less hungry and had fewer junk food cravings, according to two studies.
  2. Serve yourself healthy stuff first.  Diners at buffets tend to take larger servings of the first few foods they see, a study shows.  Dish up salad and other veggies before fattier meats and sides.
  3. Buy your lunch with cash.  It’s easier to buy junk food and desserts when using plastic.  Something about handing over cold, hard cash gives people cause.  You may be more apt to purchase something green when using green.
  4. Use blue plates.  Believe it or not, the color of your dishes may make a difference in how much food you serve yourself.  The more food blends in with the plate color, the more chow you’re likely to take, research shows.  Consider using plates in a different hue.
  5. Use smaller bowls and plates.  The size of your dishes gives your brain cues about how much you’re “supposed” to eat–and a bigger dish means more food.
  6. Hit the pause button before giving in to a craving.  Try to delay the urge to graze.  When a craving hits, do something else for 5-10 minutes, then see if you still want to eat.  Chances are the urge will have faded, at least a little.
  7. Always order the “small.”  A large container can tempt you to eat more food, even if you’re full or it doesn’t taste good.  Order the smallest size and it will most likely be enough to satisfy you.

Healthy Weight Weekly Tip #2: Give Your Metabolism a BOOST!

Feeling stuck in a rut with your workout?  Not getting results you want?  At a plateau?  Rev it up and push yourself!

Research shows that high intensity exercise delivers a bigger, longer rise in resting metabolic rate than lower intensity exercise, hence burning more calories over time. 

So if you find yourself doing the same-old-same-old, try mixing it up.  For example, if you normally walk the same speed, try doing short bursts of jogging during your workout.  If you normally jog the same speed, try doing short bursts of sprints or even hills during your workout.

Compound exercises are another way to give metabolism a boost.  Compound exercises involve working two or more muscle groups at a time and create the greatest change in body composition in the shortest amount of time.  These exercises often combine strengthening and cardio techniques. They generally have the ability to build more muscle, and we know that muscle burns more calories than fat!  Examples of compound exercises are burpees, push ups, and my favorite-squat jump ups holding a medicine ball.

Remember, our bodies are machines that are meant to move, not be stationary.  Challenge yourself.  Your body is capable of more than you think.


Healthy Weight Weekly Tip #1: Key Habits for Success

Is it really possible for employees to lose weight and keep it off?

According to Dr. Ann Kulze, although data clearly supports that maintaining weight loss in the long term is more difficult than losing weight in the short term, it can be done.  When we scrutinize the lifestyles of those who succeed in keeping weight off, the key habits for success include:

  • strict adherence to regular physical activity
  • mindfulness when eating and a focus on eating healthy foods
  • minimal television viewing
  • weighing often
  • restriction in dining out
  • eating breakfast regularly