Welia Center Road Construction

Attention Welia Center users:

MN-DOT and the City of Mora will begin road construction on Hwy 65 on Monday, August 28th. They will be adding a left-hand turn lane on Hwy 65 onto 9th Street. We are asking Welia Center users to avoid using the intersection of Hwy 65 and 9th Street during construction. Construction is expected to be completed at the end of October 2023. When finished, the new turn lane will provide better access and traffic flow to 9th Street.
Please use the following routes when accessing or leaving the schools/Welia Center:

• Incoming traffic should utilize Maple Avenue to Wood Street for access to 9th Street.

• Departing traffic from Welia Center, MES, and MHS should travel west on 9th Street (turn right) and use
Wood Street to Maple Avenue for access to Hwy 65.

Please drive carefully and be observant of school buses, students, and other pedestrians. Thank you for your cooperation and patience during construction and the start of the new school year.

Email Paige Nelson, pnelson@welia.org, with any questions or concerns.

Move It May Challenge

May is here-who’s ready for another challenge?!


Attached is exercise challenge for the month. Complete the movement challenge during the month to earn a goodie bag to help you enjoy the warming days ahead AND be entered to win a state park pass.

Challenge: complete 15 minutes of movement outdoors for 20 out of the 31 days of MayRecord your activity on the attached calendar. Turn completed calendar into the Paige Nelson.

Paige will be in the following spaces on these days:

Mora wellness office (next to the gift shop) -Thursday 6/1 from 11-1pm

Pine City- Monday 6/5 from 8-10am

Hinckley Clinic- Monday 6/5 from 11-1pm

Please reach out if you are unable to make these times to schedule an alternative time to pick up your goodie bag with the wellness committee

Ideas that count towards movement:

-take a walk around the block with coworkers


-raking or spring cleanup

-walking the dog around the neighborhood

-outdoor yoga

Get creative and have fun!!

May Welia Center Calendar

Did you know as a Welia employee, you have free access to the Mora Welia Center which includes the walking track, fitness room, onsite virtual fitness classes, and wellness educational? In addition, you also have free access to the Hinckley-Finlayson fitness center, walking track ,workout equipment, and pool use!

Reach out to wellnessemp@welia.org or Paige Nelson (pnelson@welia.org) for more information.

May 2023 Wellbeats class schedule

April Environmental Challenge

April is known for Earth day. We can make conscious efforts to focus on our environmental health this month by making small lifestyle changes that benefit the planet.

Sometimes a “zero waste” lifestyle or sustainability journey can seem really out of reach, but the truth is that making sustainability swaps doesn’t have to be difficult or costly! Even a few small changes can make a big difference. Here are a few you can consider this Earth Month:

Spend time in nature. Last but not least, spend time in the great outdoors as you celebrate this big, blue beauty we call Mother Earth. This is a great way to mitigate some climate anxiety, renew your sense of wonder and hope for the world, and honor the planet in all its glory.

Today through the end of the month, we challenge you to do one thing to support environmental health. Take a picture of your efforts and share with Paige Nelson at pnelson@welia.org. All participants will receive a seedling tree to take home!

Life Rice Packing Day-Volunteers Needed

  Welia staff and family will be participating in a food packing event through Kids Against Hunger for the Lutheran churches here in Mora on Sunday, March 5th at 3pm.  We can take up to 30 volunteers for this event.  The coolest thing about this event?  The food we pack will stay LOCAL and will be delivered to our local food pantries.  Please contact Paige Nelson at *3586 or at pnelson@welia.org if you are interested in volunteering!

Food packing event in 2017

National Heart Month

February 3rd is National Wear Red Day. Go Red for Women is the American Heart Association’s national movement to end heart disease and stroke in women. Wear red on Friday to show support for the women in your life. Check out what Go Red really means here! Additionally, join us for a fun photobooth and prizes starting Friday February 3rd.

Mora– make your way down to meeting room one for a photo booth set up for a fun picture and treats on 2/3-2/6.

Hinckley –make your way down to the staff lounge for a photo booth set up for a fun picture and treats on 2/8.

Pine City– make your way down to staff lounge for a photo booth set up for a fun picture and treats on 2/9-2/10.

Wear Red Day is February 3rd 2023

Focus Word for 2023

Are you feeling the need for a change, or wanting to improve on something in 2023? There is no doubting that 2020 and 2021 were tough years. Some would argue that 2022 hasn’t been that great either… Even more reason to focus on the inspiring, the good, the positive and the possibility of the next year ahead.

What is a focus word for the year?

A focus word for the year is a single word that encapsulates what you need more of, what you want to focus on, or what you need to improve on. It might be a theme or overarching focus for your year ahead – either way, it’s an exciting way to set your intention for the year ahead.

It provides an anchor and encourages you to consciously consider this focus word when making decisions – what you want more of and what you want less of in your life.

*Once you’ve chosen your word for the year, head to the EMPLOYEE FITNESS ROOM and hang up your word to inspire others!