Kindness Week

Thank you for following along this week, I hope you enjoyed spreading kindness! If you participated, please fill out the form below. Starting Monday, February 22nd you can pick up a lavender seed starter kit from Anna Schultz if you showed an act of kindness each day!  You can find Anna down the HR hallway, last door on the right.

    Thanks for participating in Kindness Week! Fill out the form below and you can pick up your prize from Anna Schultz!

    Did you:

    What was the highlight of your kindness week (giving or receiving)?

    Employee Gym Orientation

    All Welia Health employees have free 24/7 access to the employee gym onsite! Staff need to complete a 15 minute orientation with someone from our Rehab Team and then they’re good to go! Call x3356 to schedule your orientation.

    Work in Hinckley or Pine City? Ask a Rehab employee to give you an orientation in the rehab gym. It’s available for employee use during the hours of 5-7am and 5:30-7pm.

    Find some information about heart health and exercise in this intranet post.