Employee Wellness Update

HEALTH MILESTONES CHALLENGE: How are you doing with the Health Milestones challenge?  Many employees have turned in their COMPLETED sheets already!  Great job!  This challenge ends on Friday December 4th.  Turn in your completed sheets to Deb Wright in Wellness.

EMPLOYEE WELLNESS SURVEY:  The employee wellness survey is still open for two more days!  This survey will close on Friday October 30th.  We have 66 surveys completed so far and have gained some great feedback to help make 2016 a great year for improving employee health.

Thank you for your input!


Health Milestones Employee Wellness Challenge-INFO

I have Know Your Numbers cards available for those that wish to have a place to write down their actual numbers or health info for the challenge since it is not required to enter this private info on the log sheet that you turn in.

I will have these available in the dining room, in the Wellness office at the end of the HR hallway, and the Mora clinic break room.  I will send some over to the satellite clinics as well.

Know your numbers picKnow your numbers pic-inside

Privacy and Security Reminder from Sue

privacy and security red panelNo tailgating!   FirstLight Health System has locked doors that require you to use either a key, badge, or to enter a code.  Don’t undermine security by letting someone else tailgate in behind you through the door. And don’t put your coworker in an awkward position by trying to tailgate or piggyback through on his or her entry. It may feel uncomfortable to force people you know to use their own access credentials, but that’s the rule. You’re protecting the physical security of the building or secure area, as well as protecting the computer systems and information inside.

Since this has gone out, I’ve had a few questions regarding allowing someone who walks in with you enter the building with your access code.  Yes, many of us are coming through especially on shift changes the very same time.  If you know the person, it is fine to open the door or even hold it to allow the next one in.  If there is ever a question on who the person is, don’t hesitate to ask.  Always be observant in all locations and especially sensitive areas.