National Athletic Training Month

Happy National Athletic Training Month. Thank you to our FirstLight ATC’s for all they do for the community and our student athletes: Jake Ellingson, Mandy Odencrans, Luke Keranen, Nick Schmitz, Becky Huberty, Shelby Wilcox and Emily Richardson.

Watch for a FirstLight ATC at any Mora, Pine City, Hinckley-Finlayson, Ogilvie, East Central or Rush City sporting event. They will have more info. regarding National Athletic Training Month coming out in emails and a slideshow will be playing on the t.v.’s by the surgery elevator… coming soon!

Go Red For Women

According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease in the U.S. kills approximately 1 woman every 80 seconds. The good news is that 80 percent of these cardiac events can be prevented with education, a change of lifestyle and awareness. That is why tomorrow, February 2nd, we challenge all of you to Go Red For Women and dress in the color RED! Kim T. will be walking tomorrow snapping pictures of anyone dressed in RED.

Get involved, spread the word and we’ll see you wearing RED tomorrow!

Watch for some information to come regarding Heart month and wellness on the intranet.