New Billboards!

During the next couple of weeks, the billboards along I35 and in Grandy will be replaced.  Here they are!

Grandy (Hwy65)

Billboard1 I35 in Beroun (North Face) and yes, this is Korissa Matykiewicz’s belly!

billboard3 I35, Beroun, South Facebillboard4





I35 South Creek (North Face)



Happy Hospital Week – Friday!

As the week draws to an end, we wanted to thank everyone for their compassion, kindness and collaboration you show every day to our patients and your fellow team members.  Have a wonderful Friday.


Today’s little treat will be dilly bars from DQ.

@ Mora:  treats will be in the freezer

@Eye Clinic:  treats will be dropped a after lunch

@Pine City:  treats will be dropped off after lunch

@ Hinckley:  treats will be dropped off after lunch

Happy Hospital Week – Thursday

Happy Hospital Week!

Today, we celebrate Department Recognition Day. This day is set aside so that each department can recognize its own staff.


The other fun activity today will be an all staff photo.  If everyone that is available between 230-3 could be by the back lawn area (by Material’s Management) we will take an all staff photo highlighting the fact this hospital has been around for 70 years (we will be in the shape of a 70).  Kristin Wachsmuth (from 7 Paisley Pumpkin Photography) will be taking the photo.

This activity is difficult for  Hinckley / Pine City / Eye Clinic staff to attend, so during our community picnics, I have arrangements to take an all staff photo at each location.


Happy Hospital Week – Tuesday -Behaviors of Excellence!

BehaviorsofExcellence Seal_2016

Tuesday:  Behaviors of Excellence

Our business is all about the patient, it is the reason we have our jobs and why we acknowledge our patients by giving them the best of us at every encounter.

In our everyday lives, we expect and pay for excellent service, whether we are consumers in a retail store or while car shopping or hiring someone to do remodeling for us. When our service is excellent we are likely to notice because it stands out from the norm.  It’s then when we take the time to share our experiences with others.  In our work situation, our customers are the patients, who are sick or in pain and may not be on top of their game, which is why we need to be on top of ours, with every patient, every time!

Our goal is:   better care = better outcomes = better patient satisfaction = more satisfied communities, directly tying to the vision of our organization.

We want to remind you that when you drink your water or soda, that we are FirstLight and we that we represent professionalism, we are community focused; we collaborate as a team, ultimately creating an engaged work environment.

Enjoy your new Can Koozies! They will be delivered to your manager this morning!

Happy Hospital Week!



Happy Hospital Week!

Thank you for investing and caring from your heart every day of every year. We appreciate the fact that you give your all to our neighbors, providing medical care in our facilities and running vital programs needed within our community. Together we are committed to supporting the health and well-being in and around the different communities we serve.

Each day you will receive an email and a posting on the intranet about what that day of the week highlights to show our gratitude to all of you who make FirstLight great!

AHA’s theme this year is “Health Care from the Heart,” so various posts/tweets will be relating to this. Our social media accounts will be utilizing the following hash tag #HospitalWeek to categorize our activities so please remember to like and share.

Monday: Employee Gift

A small token of First Light’s appreciation will be given to say THANK YOU to everyone because all of you are dedicated, engaged and compassionate about supporting the health of the members within our communities.

Members from the Hospital Week committee will be delivering gifts throughout the day.