Pine City Picnic Pictures

We served 325 community members!

_2016 PC Picnic_Kalli_Aileen
Kalli-Aileen-Pine City Picnic 16
Andrew and June_2016_picnic
Andrew & June, EMS
Cindy serving cake
The crowd
Julie & Jeri
Leann_purple gloves_2016_picnic
Blue gloves Leann!
Marcee and Jannelle
Marcie & Jannelle
Mark on traffic duty
PC Picnic_2016_Scott_Brittany
Jessica and Scott serving up chips and mayo.
Renae on cake duty
Scott, Karen and Julie enjoying lunch on the back patio






Hinckley hosted a free sports physical clinic last night helping out 25 kids!

We had a total of 25 students last night!

Hinckley – 14, Mora – 5, PC – 4, Ogilvie -1, East Central -1

Several were instrumental in making this a success:

Dr. Mullin, Mandy Odencrans, Emily Richardson, Stacey Heins, Jocelyn Olson, Lindsey Nowling, Jen Hansen, Angela Patenaude, Michelle Mowry, Brent Nihart, Julie Larsin, Krystal Zaudtke, and Julie Ray.

Thank you for all of your help!

Welcome Dr. Kaijage!

On Monday July 11, please welcome Dr. Ingrid Kaijage!

She comes to us with over 20 years experience and will be practicing in Pine City and Hinckley.   Prior to FirstLight, Dr. Kaijage practiced at Essentia in International Falls. She will be in training from Monday and Tuesday and in clinic (Pine City) on Wednesday seeing patients.

Dr. Kaijage specializes in family medicine, chronic disease management, OB (prenatal care and deliveries, including C-section), pediatric care, wellness visits and women’s health.

Below find one of the ads that will be featured in the newspaper introducing her to our communities; other ads have been produced for social media.

Take a few minutes to introduce yourself and welcome her to our #FirstLightFamily!

Dr K Ad

2016 Steve Schulz Visionary Award Winner!

Cheryl_Steve Schulz Visionary Award 2016

Running into an extraordinary person at FirstLight isn’t uncommon, but Cheryl Blegen is beyond the exceptional.

Recently, Cheryl was the recipient of the Steve Schulz Visionary Award for her connection to the community and involvement with local law enforcement.

Cheryl has been a member of Kanabec County since 1990 when she was hired on the ambulance crew at FirstLight (then Kanabec Hospital).   During the next 20 years, while working with the ambulance team, she was offered an opportunity to train within the pharmacy department to become a Certified Pharmacy Technician. Cheryl has also volunteered as a Sheriff’s Reserve and been active as an Ogilvie First Responder.  Helping people has always been a passion of Cheryl’s and when she battled some personal health issues, she still managed to continue to volunteer alongside local law enforcement.

The Steve Schulz Award encourages citizens to get involved in community efforts to reduce crime by bridging the gap between citizens and local law enforcement.   Each year, Kanabec County’s BADGES division presents the award.  This award is given to a nominated individual who has provided some sort of quality improvement to Kanabec County.

Congratulations, Cheryl!  You are a true leader within your community and an asset to the FirstLight family.



Thank you to Katie Koppy, Emily Richardson and Kallie Richardson for their help at the Pine City Field Day on Friday, May 20th.  Here is the Thank You note from the elementary school’s principal, Stephanie.

Thanks Ladies for making this a worthwhile event!

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