Notification 17, SW foundations and generator feeder lines//entrance closure

Notification #17

What is Happening?

Beginning September 25th

  • The SW entry door will be closed for at least 2 weeks so that KA can install additional foundations and run generator feeder lines.  All staff and EMS (external providers) will need to use the Materials Management door for entry.
    • Facilities will be reviewing badge access for this door, and at this point, everyone should have access.  If you find you do not, please contact your supervisor.
  • New fire evacuation routes have been posted, please make sure you are make yourself familiar with exits
  • There are 4 primary ways out of the building with this entrance shut down.
    • ED
    • The emergency exit down the HR hallway
    • Clinic
    • Clinic South employee door
  • June Juday has notified all external EMS personnel and the Kanabec County Sheriff’s office about this change
  • Signs along the back hallway will be directing all external EMS to the ED utilizing this hallway and the back hall way to Imaging.  Please be mindful if EMS has patients and are moving through these areas.

Who is impacted?

  • All staff
  • External EMS
  • Sheriff’s office

Who to contact if you have questions?

  • Your supervisor or manager
  • Mark Vizenor x3475
  • Diane Bankers x3522
  • June Juday x3515
  • Maintenance x3477

Thank you for your patients and cooperation during this notification.  It is anticipated to take 2 weeks, but there is always a weather factor that could change the end date, please watch for more notifications. 

Download the notification here

Notification 16, 9/19 & 10/3

What’s Happening?

Two limited usage notifications will be occurring over the next couple of weeks for our current water and sanitary (sewer) lines to accommodate new water and sewer pipes. 

The physical area of this work will occur along the NE corner of the hospital.

  • Limited water usage:  9/19 from 2 a.m. until 4 a.m.
  • Limited sanitary/sewer usage:  10/3 from 2 a.m. until 4 a.m.
  • Fire suppression will still work

Who is impacted?

  • all staff
  • patients

Who to contact if you have questions?

  • Your supervisor or manager
  • Diane Bankers x3522
  • Mark Vizenor x3475
  • Maintenance x3477
  • EVS x3953
New water and sewer lines being dug.

Notification 15, 9/18 thru 9/22

What’s Happening?

Trenching work for the new generators along Clark Street for the SW Addition.  The parking areas directly behind the hospital will be coned off and unavailable from 9/18-9/22.  Please park in either of the church parking lots 

The area will be then paved, Friday afternoon (22nd), pending an “ok” from paving company and the weather.

Who is impacted?

  • all staff

Who to contact if you have questions?

  • Your supervisor or manager
  • Mark Vizenor x3475
  • Maintenance x3477
  • EVS x3953

Click here for detailed information, #15

Update on construction 09/22/17

Construction is moving along as planned.  Footings for the SW addition are nearly complete, and the pool floor and sides are being staked out.  At this point, much of the NE side is uneventful with the adding and moving of our underground utilities before footings can be started for the new ED.

Notification 12, 13 & 14 – 8/21 thru October

What’s Happening?

  • Vibration and noise issues will be intermittent for approximately 6 weeks as demolition of a block wall on Grid E, footings being drilled and foundation back-filling occurs.
  • Notification #12 should be finished 10/2
  • Notification #13 should be finished 9/1
  • Notification #14 should be finished 9/15

Who is impacted?

  • all staff
  • patients

Who to contact if you have questions?

  • Your supervisor or manager
  • Mark Vizenor x3475
  • Maintenance x3477

Click here for detailed information #12, #13, & #14

Week of August 15th: Dirt is moving…

A couple of quick updates to keep you up to date-

Temporary entrance through our ED as construction starts for the NEW ED. All emergencies, chemo, infusion, hospital, outpatient services and rehab should be entering through this door.
Level 2, being “leveled” for the SE addition
View from Level 2 showing where the new South East addition will be tied into our existing facility.
Digging areas for the new footings for Level 1: rehabilitation, dining and meeting room areas.
New meeting rooms in the employee gym. There will be a separate email sent out about where the support groups will be meeting.

Construction Update #11 – 8/9

Dates:  8/9

What’s Happening?

  • Sanitary Sewer tie-in
  • Clark Street closure at Edwards Avenue
    • Detour will be posted
  • Barricade “Road Closed to thru traffic posted” on Clark Street just south of Howe Ave
  • See map below:

Who is impacted?

  • All staff
  • Patients

Who to contact if you have questions?

  • Your supervisor or manager
  • Mark Vizenor x3475
  • Maintenance x3477

Click here for detailed information, including a larger map

Construction Update #9 8/9

Dates: 8/14 – proposed finished date 2/12/18

Note:  Dates listed are approximate; please remember to allow for flexbility as issues sometimes arise that couldn’t be planned for.

What’s Happening?

  • Installation of construction fencing around main entrance in preparation of MAIN ENTRANCE closure, on 8/14
  • Parking and entrance area will be blocked off the evening of 8/13
  • Signage is being printed redirecting patients to our Emergency Entrance
  • Beginning 8/14, extra volunteers will be available and VIP hours will be extended


Who is impacted?

  • All staff
  • Patients

Who to contact if you have questions:

  • Your supervisor or manager
  • Mark Vizenor x3475
  • IT x9191
  • EVS x3953
  • Kim Carlson, x3610 (for volunteers)
  • Brenda Moos, x3335 (for Registration)
  • Patty Paul x3363 (for Rehabilitation Services)

Click here for details

Construction Update #5 8/4- ongoing

Dates: 8/4 – ongoing
Note: Dates listed are approximate; please remember to allow for flexibility as issues sometimes arise that couldn’t be planned for.*

What’s Happening?

  • Construction of temporary walls required for tie-in to existing structure on the NE side
  • Barrier fencing around Main entrance and part of driveway / parking lot (see update #9)
  • Closure of MAIN entrance (8/14)
    • Construction of temporary wall around main entrance
  • Closure of Gift Shop 5pm Friday, August 11th
    • Dietary will continue providing food and beverages up until then, depending upon availability.  Certain items will run out to help deplete inventory. 
    • The last day Emma’s Pizza will deliver is Thursday, 8/10
    • Additional vending machines will be added in the ED area (~Thursday August 17th)
  • Relocation of Rehabilitation Services gym and some rehab staff (excluding registration personnel) to Meeting Rooms 1&2 (all evacuated and functional by the 8/8)
  • Relocation of Human Resources (HR) copier/scanner to mail room (1601)
  • Movement of preregistration personnel to current HR copier room
  • Relocation of registration staff for Main Entrance and daily volunteer (for patients) to ED area
  • OB area work starts the 14th
  • Remodel OB room #2409 to be new Newborn Observation Room/Nursery (out of commission 8/14)
  • Relocation of Work Room (i.e. Newborn Observation Room/Nursery #2400) to OB room # 2409 (8/21)
  • Remodel Room #724 (Hospice Room) to a transitional room, that will accommodate inpatient or OB patients
  • The plan is to have the current Newborn Observation Room /Nursery partially remodeled to accommodate well baby checks and non-stress tests
  • Demolition of fire exit stairwell located at the back of the OB unit
  • New fire evacuation plans will be posted and available from your manager

Who’s impacted?

  • All staff

Who to contact if you have questions:

  • Your supervisor or manager
  • Mark Vizenor x3475
  • IT x9191
  • EVS x3953
  • Nursing Rose Hansen x3521
  • Rehabilitation Services (Patty Paul x3363
  • Registration (Revenue Cycle)  (Brenda Moos)
  • Gift Shop/Volunteers either Kim Carlson x3610  or Erlene Randall x3495

Click here for detailed descriptions and drawings