Notification #38 Tile demolition and wall removal at NE Addition


This work will occur THURSDAY March 8, from 5:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. instead.

What is Happening?

Starting at 4:00 a.m. on Friday, March 2,  there will be some noisy work in the rehab area, as crews will be removing tiles.  This will last till roughly 7:00 a.m.  Also through out the day, there will be intermittent noise and vibration  near the temporary wall in surgery.  Both of these projects are expected to be done the same day.

Who is affected?

  • All staff
  • Patients

Who to contact if you have questions?

  • Mark Vizenor (x3475)
  • EVS (3953)
  • Maintenance (x3477)

Notification #31 Med Gas piping connecting new areas

What is Happening?

  • Starting Wednesday, February 28th, (after normal business hours), our contractors will be connecting medical gas lines from the SW addition to the NE Addition (area D to area A, respectively).  This will be an ongoing project until roughly Wednesday, March 7th as only small sections can be done at a time. 
  • Hours will typically be from 4:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. (when quiet hours begin)
  • A map below shows the approximate dates and path.

Who is affected?

  • All staff

Who to contact if you have questions?

  • Mark Vizenor (x3475)
  • Maintenance (x3477)

Notification #28 Tie-in to existing building Area D (SW Addition)

What is Happening?

  • On Wednesday February 28th, the back hallway to ED (what the EMS staff uses to bring in patients) will be closed for for the day. This closure will allow crews to prepare for the SW addition to be tied into our existing building.  The doors  at MRI hallway will be open to accommodate patients from EMS and staff. (see map below)
Picture is showing the SW entrance
  • On Thursday March 1st, the ramp hallway between surgery and inpatient will also be closed for one day as crews prepare to tie- into the existing building.  The poly temporary wall can be broken through in the event of an emergency. 
  • Alternate routes have been planned and communicated with all affected managers and departments
  • Lisa Raths (Surgery Manager) has moved her office to #2162 (which is located inside same day surgery).  If you need to get a hold of her, her extension is #2162.  She will be there until ~August 2018.
  • Also on Thursday March 1st, the Surgical Equipment storage room will be closed for 1 day.

    Who is Impacted?

    • All staff

    Who to contact if you have questions?

    • Mark Vizenor (x3475)
    • Maintenance staff (x3477)
    • EVS (x3953)
    • Surgery (x3804)
    • Lisa Raths (3415)
    • EMS ( June x3515)
    • ED (x3392)

    Notification #32- Installation of light poles for both staff parking lots

    What is Happening?

    Beginning Wednesday, February 21, and finishing Thursday, February 22, the staff employee parking lots will have spots blocked so that crews can work on installing light poles and updating light heads. This work will be performed from 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 

    • North lot 2/21
    • South lot 2/22

    Who is impacted?

    • Staff utilizing the back lots

    Who to contact if you have questions?

    • Your supervisor or manager
    • mark Vizenor (x3475)

    Notification #27 Generator Delivery

    What is happening?

    The Material’s Management driveway will be disrupted from approximately 10:00 a.m. until about 1:00 p.m. on Friday, February 23, 2018 (approximately 3 hours) for a crane to move/deliver the new generator to be readied for installation.

    Who is impacted?

    • All staff
    • Vendors

    Who to contact if you have questions?

    • Your supervisor or manager
    • Mark Vizenor (x3475)

    Notification #24 Grace Church parking lot- light pole installation

    What is Happening?

    Beginning Monday, December 4th, there will be areas coned off in Grace’s church parking lot for installation of 4 new light poles. Seven (7) parking spots will be unavailable. This project is expected to finish on Friday the 8th.

    Who is impacted?

    • All staff

    Who to contact if you have questions?

    • Your supervisor or manager
    • Mark Vizenor (x3522)
    • Maintenance (x3477)

    Notification #24 details


    Notification #18, Storm Sewer Installation

    What is Happening?

    Early tomorrow morning (10/4), the sanitary (sewer) line will be on limited usage from1:00 a.m. until 4:00 a.m, this is the 2nd part of Notification #16

    The physical area of this work will occur along the NE corner of the hospital.  This work is needing to be done to accommodate new sewer piping.

    Who is impacted?

    • all staff
    • patients

    Who to contact if you have questions?

    • Your supervisor or manager
    • Diane Bankers (x3522)
    • Mark Vizenor x3475 (mark will be on site tonight (or this morning))
    • Maintenance x3477
    • EVS x3953