Notification #60: June 13, 2018

What’s Happening?

  • Installation of stainless steel column covers in servery area
  • expected to start and finish Monday the 18th
  • There will be a poly barrier with zip walls and working in the area

Who is affected?

  • all staff

Who to contact if you have issues?

  • Mark Vizenor (x3475)
  • Erlene Randall (x3495)

Notification #56: June 6, 2018

What is happening?

As work progresses in Area A (commonly referred to as the NE addition / which is the new ED / Pharmacy area) construction will now need to move in to the ‘old’ rehab area.  There will be temporary walls built as that area is ‘captured’ into the new build  There will be intermittent noise as demolition and tie-in occurs.  The volunteer desk has moved down the hallway bit to sit next to the surgery elevators.  Remember, our volunteers staff the desk area Monday – Friday from  7:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m.

Also, the restrooms in that hall way will not be affected. The works is expected to be completed by Friday the 8th.  

Who is affected?

  • All staff
  • Patients

Who to contact if you have issues?

  • Mark Vizenor (x3475)

Notification #39: March 6, 2018

What is happening?

  • Rehab and labor / delivery departments (and areas close) will hear some noise, sometimes loud, as crews pour the slab within the NE addition.
  • Work is expected to last from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

Who is affected?

  • All staff

Who to contact if you have issues?

  • Mark Vizenor (x3475)