Kate, Brandy, Kathy, and Jennifer – October 21, 2015

Congratulations to Kate, Brandy, Kathy, and Jennifer!
Reason for Recognition? I went to the north nurse's station to ask if anyone was floating. I was hoping someone could push my patient's husband down to the hospital imaging department for his test so that I could get started with my patient (she was starting to push him), because she was running late for her appointment. All four of these ladies volunteered even though none of them were "floating." Awesome teamwork ladies!
-- Kristie
  Oct 21st 2015

Cardiac Rehab Staff – October 21, 2015

Congratulations to Cardiac Rehab Staff!
Reason for Recognition? I took a phone call from a gentleman today who recently had a stress test. He wanted to make sure he called back to let everyone know that every single person he came in contact with that day treated him "better than I've been treated anywhere. You couldn't find better staff anywhere in the country."

He went on to joke "and because I was treated so well, I didn't end up letting the air out of all of their tires as I'd said I would." :)

Great Job everyone!!!
-- Karen Miller
  Oct 21st 2015

Hospital Lab – October 21, 2015

Congratulations to Hospital Lab Staff!
Reason for Recognition? I went to have my employee blood draw this morning. I was over an hour early but was worried I wouldn't be able to make it at my appointment time. The lab staff was happy to draw my blood right away and did a great job...I hardly felt it. Thanks!
-- Kristie
  Oct 21st 2015

Deb Harms – October 8, 2015

Congratulations to Deb Harms!
Reason for Recognition? There were two family members of a patient that were waiting for the patient to come back and Deb took the time to get them a cup of coffee and bring it to the room for them. They were very pleased and Deb did a great job of visiting with them and making them feel comfortable. Great job Deb!
-- Bill Asmus
  Oct 8th 2015