Bonnie Dalbey

Congratulations to Bonnie Dalbey!
Reason for Recognition? Bonnie is always so pleasant and took the time to compliment me this morning which honestly made my entire day right off the bat. She is an amazing asset to Welia, and I hope her cheery smile and demeanor continues to shine through as winter creeps up on us!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged
-- Dani Younger
  Oct 3rd 2019

Nicole Westman

Congratulations to Nicole Westman!
Reason for Recognition? Today Nicole saw that the Cafeteria had my favorite scone (Cheddar & Chive) when they don't always have them, so bought it for me and brought it to me since I could not leave the ED desk. Not only was that caring and thoughtful, it made my day worlds better as my blood sugar was trying to go low, so thank you for the kindness today and remembering my favorite scone :)
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged
-- Dani Younger
  Oct 3rd 2019

Stacey, Sandy, Anna, Kris (R.), Brenda, Julie, Shelly, LeAnn, Bill, Chris, Ellen, Jill, June, Michelle (Vork), Karen, Diane, Jamie, Heather, Brett, George, Dick, Mark, Sydney, Mindy, Ashley, Patty, Kelly, & Penny

Congratulations to Stacey, Sandy, Anna, Kris (R.), Brenda, Julie, Shelly, LeAnn, Bill, Chris, Ellen, Jill, June, Michelle (Vork), Karen, Diane, Jamie, Heather, Brett, George, Dick, Mark, Sydney, Mindy, Ashley, Patty, Kelly, and Penny!
Reason for Recognition? I wanted to take a moment to recognize all of the individuals listed above for helping out at Tuesday evening's celebration of our new name and end of construction milestone. Thank you for your time and congeniality -- all of the folks that stopped in that night expressed positive comments about our new name and our fantastic new facility!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Kim T. (Marketing)
  Sep 26th 2019

Brittney Gobel & Thomas Granlund

Congratulations to Brittney Gobel & Thomas Granlund!
Reason for Recognition? The referrals department had a tough pediatric patient the other day and Tom and Brittney noticed this and brought the child stickers and books to look at and this child calmed right down as soon as they did this. I just felt that this was so kind of them and I really appreciate how they stepped up and helped with a rough situation.

Thanks so much:)
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged
-- Trista Stegeman & Angela Ulstrom
  Sep 24th 2019

Barb Erickson-Registration/Scheduling

Congratulations to Barb Erickson-Registration/Scheduling!
Reason for Recognition? Barb is always so amazing with rolling with the changes. She comes in to help everyone out whether its switching locations at a moments notice or coming in on her day off and she always does it with a big smile on her face! Love the teamwork!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Jeanelle
  Sep 24th 2019

Brittney Gobel

Congratulations to Brittney Gobel!
Reason for Recognition? Brittney is a very self-less, resourceful and helpful individual. She jumps in when needed and will work wherever! She always has a smile on her face and is extremely knowledgeable in all areas! We are very lucky to have her! Thanks for the great teamwork that you bring to Welia Health!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Breanna Ruud
  Sep 24th 2019

The Imaging Department

Congratulations to The Imaging Department!
Reason for Recognition? In rounding with the OR staff it was noted how wonderful our imaging staff is. We wanted to thank everyone that comes up to the OR for being very professional, easy to work with and always helpful and kind. We are blessed to work with such great people. Thank you all!!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Professional
-- Robert Woods
  Sep 19th 2019

Mellissa Milliman

Congratulations to Mellissa Milliman!
Reason for Recognition? Mellissa spent a significant amount of time helping a patient figure out complicated paperwork. Great job Mellissa!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Community Focused/Driven

  Sep 18th 2019

Darla Anderson

Congratulations to Darla Anderson!
Reason for Recognition? Thanks for taking the time to help clean our stretcher and ambulance today after a call!!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- AJ
  Sep 12th 2019