FirstLight Staff

Congratulations to FirstLight Staff!
Reason for Recognition? I checked in with the family of a care team patient who had recently passed here at FLHS. They are doing well and at peace with the comfort provided during her end of life. She said "Please thank the staff for their efforts while caring for her, the whole family is so grateful she received the care that she did while at the Mora Clinic and hospital." Great teamwork in providing the best possible care throughout the end of life for this patient.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Jenny Friday
  May 1st 2017

Leah Olmscheid

Congratulations to Leah Olmscheid!
Reason for Recognition? A family member of mine had an OB ultrasound and decided to have a whole group of us come see the baby on the screen. Leah did an amazing job explaining everything and was very professional. She smiled the whole time despite having a big audience. What a great member to have on the FirstLight team!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged
-- Brittany Rappl
  May 1st 2017

Surgery Department

Congratulations to Surgery Department!
Reason for Recognition? "Thank you FirstLight Surgery Department for making my little man's surgery less stressful for him and pain free. He loved all of you. Thank you for giving him a warm welcome and providing excellent care in all stages of the day. Big thanks for Becky Ponto going above and beyond to provide comfort to my son when he got scared and nervous. Thank you Dawn, Ben, Matt H., Pam, Steph F., and EVERYONE in surgery for interacting with him so he felt comfortable. Great experience and excellent care!"
-- Grateful Patient
  Apr 28th 2017

Pete Morgan

Congratulations to Pete Morgan!
Reason for Recognition? Thanks, Pete, for all you do. Taking out all that garbage, getting the linen bags and doing a lot of the vacuuming. I truly appreciate the help. Thanks again.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Deb Hollman
  Apr 27th 2017


Congratulations to FLHS Team!
Reason for Recognition? A patient called and wanted to compliment our facility on the excellent service she and her husband have received over the years. She said she is going to write a letter to Administration letting them know they appreciate the great service they have always received here. They are moving and are afraid they will never find another facility that will offer them the same level of service that they received here.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Professional
-- A. Peterson
  Apr 27th 2017

Brianna Boyer

Congratulations to Brianna Boyer!
Reason for Recognition? Brianna recognized that a patient needed to have help with her medical care and advocated for her to get that help. Brianna is always looking for opportunities to help our patients get the best care available to them. GREAT JOB!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged

  Apr 26th 2017

Dr. Bergman

Congratulations to Dr. Bergman!
Reason for Recognition? Patient called today and wanted to be sure that Dr. Bergman knew how much better she is feeling and really appreciated the treatment of care given by Dr. Bergman.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged
-- Betsy Vincent
  Apr 25th 2017

Jerianne Hoyles

Congratulations to Jerianne Hoyles!
Reason for Recognition? Jerianne showed no hesitation being pulled from her lunch today to help with an urgent triage call. She jumped right up and raced to the front to help, thank you for being such an amazing nurse!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Jenn M
  Apr 25th 2017

Ben Sickler

Congratulations to Ben Sickler!
Reason for Recognition? Thank you to Ben for attempting to facilitate transportation for a surgical patient. Also, for helping reschedule this patient and secure his transportation in advance.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Community Focused/Driven
-- Pam Bekius
  Apr 21st 2017

Ben Sickler

Congratulations to Ben Sickler!
Reason for Recognition? Thank you for buying the department blizzards to say farewell to Pam! We all appreciated it!
-- Heather Murawski
  Apr 21st 2017