FirstLight Staff

Congratulations to FirstLight Staff!
Reason for Recognition? I just got off the phone with a patient who was very pleased with how he has been treated here. The nurses, caregivers, providers, everyone was always knew what to do to make the patient feel comfortable and welcomed here. He wouldn't go anywhere else for his medical treatment. Great job everyone!!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Carissa Jacobson
  Aug 31st 2017

Jennifer Peterson

Congratulations to Jennifer Peterson!
Reason for Recognition? Jennifer lead a discussion on 'Substance Abuse' for employees of the Grand Casino.
She of course had an excellent presentation.
She mentioned in her talk a term I was not familiar with; "Radical Acceptance."
Radical Acceptance is accepting everyone where they are in life without judgment.
Plato is credited with: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
Thank you Jen.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Community Focused/Driven

  Aug 30th 2017

Curt Wojciechowski and Mandy Nelson

Congratulations to Curt Wojciechowski and Mandy Nelson!
Reason for Recognition? Curt and Mandy stepped up and took my Sunday shift so I could help move Ben to college. This was the first time for Ben living away from home, I really appreciated this. Thanks!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Melody Norgaard
  Aug 30th 2017

Charity Wittmer

Congratulations to Charity Wittmer!
Reason for Recognition? Thank you Charity for the amazing skill level and professionalism you bring to our clinic. Your help during our visit from MDH is appreciated!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Jen Lidke
  Aug 23rd 2017

Cindy Peterson

Congratulations to Cindy Peterson!
Reason for Recognition? Thank you Cindy for helping me do a c-diff room in ER, I really appreciate your help. Thanks again!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Deb Hollman
  Aug 17th 2017

Maintenance and IT Team

Congratulations to Maintenance and IT Team!
Reason for Recognition? Ever since we starting moving the departments for the construction project, I haven't seen any of you with a frown on your face or a negative attitude. You guys are always willing to help us out, whether it be trying to get our computers connected in their new area or putting cabinets up. You guys are doing an amazing job!! Keep up the good work!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Carissa Jacobson
  Aug 16th 2017

Hospital Registration Team

Congratulations to Hospital Registration Team!
Reason for Recognition? With changes usually not being all that easy, I have been witness to the great attitudes of the hospital registration team while they get used to their new area and roles. It is evident that they are facing some big challenges but each one has displayed an incredible positive attitude. From the morning staff to the evening gals (who registered me as a patient), I experienced the same positive attitudes. You are all awesome and you make the start of each patient's visit here a good one. Kudos to you all!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Pam Tanner
  Aug 15th 2017

Dr. Donner

Congratulations to Dr. Donner!
Reason for Recognition? Dr. Donner worked in two patients this morning and also did a walk-in laceration over his lunch break! Thank you, Dr. Donner!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Lindsey Nowling and PC Staff
  Aug 11th 2017

Angel, Beth and Kate

Congratulations to Angel, Beth and Kate!
Reason for Recognition? I have the most amazing teammates. I could not have survived the difficulties we experienced in clinic today without the help of these dear friends and co-workers. I know Dr. Lagaard would love to thank them right along with me. He also expressed gratitude for such teamwork. Thank you Angel, Beth and Kate for jumping right in to help.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Barb Fore
  Aug 10th 2017