Nikki Roberts and Hinckley Staff

Congratulations to Nikki Roberts and Hinckley Staff!
Reason for Recognition? Patient states that she was sad Nikki wasn't able to give her last injection here at FirstLight (for the record, she did say I also did a great job). States she had a bad injection elsewhere. She is moving and wanted me to pass on to Nikki that she's "a great shot giver." States she really likes the Hinckley staff, it feels like home!! She said everyone is so nice and she will miss you all.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Professional
-- Renae Olson
  Nov 22nd 2017

Pam Bekius

Congratulations to Pam Bekius!
Reason for Recognition? A huge THANK YOU to Pam Bekius for making the adorable tags for our Season of Giving lines hanging in the clinics and dining room. Thank you for helping make the event extra special.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged, Community Focused/Driven

  Nov 29th 2017

Mary Tramm

Congratulations to Mary Tramm!
Reason for Recognition? Mary is always so helpful and pleasant when I have any billing questions.
-- Becky Nosbush
  Nov 21st 2017

Bob Woods

Congratulations to Bob Woods!
Reason for Recognition? My daughter had a back injection by Bob Woods and his crew. She was really impressed and stated "Bob did an excellent job!" She has had injections before and never was treated so well and painless.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged

  Nov 21st 2017

Mark Vizenor

Congratulations to Mark Vizenor!
Reason for Recognition? Peggy, the Auxiliary Volunteer, called Mark saying the water in the restroom in the OR Lobby wasn't working. She said he was very pleasant and someone was up here in 10 minutes to fix it. Peggy wanted to recognize him and say thank You.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Peggy Schaupp
  Nov 15th 2017

Dr. Lind

Congratulations to Dr. Lind!
Reason for Recognition? A patient of Dr. Lind's called and stated that he was touched by the care Dr. Lind showed for his daughter and himself.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged
-- Rachael Mattson
  Nov 10th 2017

Stacey Josephson

Congratulations to Stacey Josephson!
Reason for Recognition? Stacey jumped in to help Dr. Gaalswyk as well as flu shot patients even though she was really busy today! Thank you for being so helpful!!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Nicole Clay
  Nov 9th 2017

Dr. Lagaard & Barb Fore

Congratulations to Dr. Lagaard & Barb Fore!
Reason for Recognition? Dr. Lagaard and Barb worked through their lunch to see a post-op patient who, due to a mix up, was over an hour late for her appointment. Thank you so much to both of you for your commitment to great patient care.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged
-- Brent Nihart
  Nov 9th 2017

Dr. Schwinghamer

Congratulations to Dr. Schwinghamer!
Reason for Recognition? Dr. Schwinghamer placed a patient on his full schedule without hesitation so that important medical information could be given to them. Thank you!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged

  Nov 8th 2017

Joe Dvorak

Congratulations to Joe Dvorak!
Reason for Recognition? Thanks Joe for going out of your way to help solve an outside pharmacy issue, your help is greatly appreciated!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Jen Lidke
  Nov 8th 2017