Chad Jensen

Congratulations to Chad Jensen!
Reason for Recognition? Chad's quick response to help with an IV in CT helped in expediting the scan on the outpatient, which freed up the scanner making it available for the trauma code coming in. I appreciate his help.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Mel Norgaard
  Jan 10th 2017

Curt Wojciechowski & Brad Kingen

Congratulations to Curt Wojciechowski & Brad Kingen!
Reason for Recognition? It was freezing cold out and Curt and Brad help me get my car started, it was quite the ordeal. Thanks again to both of you.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged

  Jan 2nd 2018

Gabe Peck

Congratulations to Gabe Peck!
Reason for Recognition? Thank you Gabe for helping me finish up my work when I fell Ill. You are a great team player with a great personality! I appreciated it. Thanks again.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Deb Hollman
  Dec 26th 2017

Bob Browne

Congratulations to Bob Browne!
Reason for Recognition? Thank you Bob for all your help on Friday, the 22nd. You Rock! Great personality and great team work. Thanks again. I really appreciated the help.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Deb Hollman
  Dec 26th 2017

Cindy Peterson

Congratulations to Cindy Peterson!
Reason for Recognition? Thank you Cindy for all the time you filled in for me when I was out. You are a great team player. Thanks for helping out my partner on the weekend. You two are the greatest and I really appreciated it. Thanks again.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Deb Hollman
  Dec 26th 2017

Pam Ardner

Congratulations to Pam Ardner!
Reason for Recognition? The EMS department would like to thank Pam for being a liaison in getting back a FL hospital pump that was left at Abbott after a transfer. This was huge - THANK YOU!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged
-- June J.
  Dec 20th 2017

Denise Olsen

Congratulations to Denise Olsen!
Reason for Recognition? Denise fixed my computer and I was able to get on and work!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged
-- Lindsey Nowling
  Dec 20th 2017

Heather Sanftner

Congratulations to Heather Sanftner!
Reason for Recognition? Thank you so much for taking time out of your life to come in to help on the evening shift when we needed your help so badly. I appreciate your willingness to back us up. Your leadership is great and much appreciated.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork

  Dec 18th 2017

Evening staff, along with Charity Felde, Shanna Stucky, and Kristin Johnson

Congratulations to Evening staff, along with Charity Felde, Shanna Stucky, and Kristin Johnson!
Reason for Recognition? Thank you so much for pulling together on a very hectic, chaotic shift. For those of you who either came in early or stayed late, a special thanks. We could not have done it without you helping out. Everybody did their part to keep the patients safe and care for them.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Shawn Johnson
  Dec 18th 2017