Brett, Mark, and Teammates

Congratulations to Brett, Mark, and Teammates!
Reason for Recognition? The facilities team investigated and was able to complete our lab request to swap white boards in the hospital lab so we could create a better "huddle board" for internal communications. It was a bit involved with thermostats and other items needing to be moved to make room. The work was done quickly, efficiently and with a lot of great smiles, conversation and collaboration. Thanks so much Brett and others who made it happen. We love our new board in the lab!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Professional
-- Karen Renaud
  Apr 13th 2018

Applause Card

Congratulations to Environmental Services!
Reason for Recognition? I would like to commend the Environmental Services staff for keeping our organization so clean. I don't think I've ever been in a cleaner healthcare organization, even down to the nooks and crannies, the tops of pictures, the base of lamps, and the arms of chairs. And spring is a tough time of year to keep floors clean with all the dirt and mud coming in, but I feel our staff go over and above to make sure our organization stands out in the area of cleanliness. Sometimes my muddy footsteps are even being cleaned right behind me when I walk in the door. Thank you for your dedication to excellence!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged, Professional, Teamwork
-- Deb Wright
  Apr 11th 2018

Dr. Mullin & Team

Congratulations to Dr. Mullin & Team!
Reason for Recognition? A patient called into the call center wanting to thank Dr. Mullin for his expertise. States that his diagnosis & treatment were spot on! The care he received was much appreciated!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged

  Apr 5th 2018

Kalli Gilbertson Bugar

Congratulations to Kalli Gilbertson Bugar!
Reason for Recognition? Kalli worked a patient in over her lunch. She is always helping out whenever she can. She is a great team player!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Jenny Lindahl
  Apr 2nd 2018

Tracy Lucht

Congratulations to Tracy Lucht!
Reason for Recognition? For being the Easter Bunny on Easter morning. As we went into the patient's rooms they were excited the bunny came. You, Tracy, are the BEST.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Community Focused/Driven
-- Judy Dawson and Deb Hollman
  Apr 1st 2018

Scott Cheney

Congratulations to Scott Cheney!
Reason for Recognition? Scott came in to help cover the x-ray department on a holiday weekend that he was not working. His dedication allowed two emergency ortho cases to take place without compromising the needs of the rest of the hospital for x-ray services. Thank you Scott!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Robert Woods
  Mar 31st 2018

Jessica Bottelson

Congratulations to Jessica Bottelson!
Reason for Recognition? Jess came in on a holiday weekend that she was not on call in a terrible snowstorm to help get surgical equipment ready for emergency surgery. Thank you Jess, you are awesome!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Robert Woods
  Mar 31st 2018

Dr. John Kampa

Congratulations to Dr. John Kampa!
Reason for Recognition? Dr. Kampa came in on a holiday weekend that he was not on call to take care of two of our community members with surgical fractures. Thank you for your dedication!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Robert Woods
  Mar 31st 2018

Environmental Services Team

Congratulations to Environmental Services Team!
Reason for Recognition? I travel from the clinic to the surgery department almost every morning to bring up the soiled instruments. I encounter many environmental services staff on the way and they are the most friendly, kind people I have ever known. There isn't one who isn't quick to smile and say hi. It starts my day off in a very special way. I know if they can be so kind and friendly to just one employee, they are treating our patients the same way. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful group of people.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged
-- Barb Fore
  Mar 27th 2018