Nic Younghans

Congratulations to Nic Younghans!
Reason for Recognition? Once Nic heard about our telemetry issues in cardiac rehab he worked fast and efficiently so we didn't need to cancel any of our patient's appointments. He was thorough and made sure everything was in order before he left, and also made sure to take care of another issue he wasn't even previously aware of.

Thanks for being a great team-player, Nic!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Cassie Huninghake
  Feb 6th 2019

Melanie Baures

Congratulations to Melanie Baures!
Reason for Recognition? Mel was an excellent charge nurse/leader yesterday during a very busy OR day. She kept things running smoothly and looked out for her team and our patients. She is an asset to our organization. Thanks Mel!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Robert Woods
  Feb 5th 2019

Heather Murawski

Congratulations to Heather Murawski!
Reason for Recognition? Heather rearranged her personal time to be able to work yesterday during a busy OR schedule. We could not have run the day without her expertise. Thank you Heather for having our backs! Your dedication to our patients and department do not go unnoticed!!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Robert Woods
  Feb 5th 2019

Logan Burk

Congratulations to Logan Burk!
Reason for Recognition? Logan went above and beyond to help an elderly couple, he walked them over to the clinic from the Emergency entrance, as they came in the wrong door, then he went out and moved their vehicle from the emergency side to the clinic side for them. The couple was very grateful. Thank you Logan for looking out for our patients! You are wonderful!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged
-- Linda Holznagel
  Feb 5th 2019

Christie Carlson

Congratulations to Christie Carlson!
Reason for Recognition? Thank you Christie for knowing exactly what to do to help during a difficult situation on Saturday. Your quick response made a huge difference.
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Brenda Moos
  Feb 4th 2019

Kayla Michels

Congratulations to Kayla Michels !
Reason for Recognition? Kayla went above and beyond in helping a patient that got sick after a lab encounter. Cleaning up and attending to the patient, ensuring that the patient was well enough to leave in a caring, friendly and professional manner for a patient that wasn't even hers.

Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Engaged
-- Beth Kolodji
  Jan 31st 2019

Renae Podvin

Congratulations to Renae Podvin !
Reason for Recognition? Renae has always gone above and beyond to help with questions about ordering imaging. Renae is a great asset to FirstLight and to our patients.

Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork

  Jan 30th 2019

Eunice – Volunteer

Congratulations to Eunice - Volunteer !
Reason for Recognition? Eunice the volunteer was a great help today. She took patients for us when we got busy. She was amazing!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Timarie
  Jan 28th 2019

Donn Danelski

Congratulations to Donn Danelski !
Reason for Recognition? When Donn had down time from Endoscopy he utilized that opportunity to help out in the OR's. This help make the OR day run smoothly and was greatly appreciated by all of us! Thanks Donn!
Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork
-- Robert Woods
  Jan 29th 2019