Cassie Krone

Meet Cassie Krone
Position: Lab Student
Start Date: 2/12
Birthday: 4/29
Background/Educations: I live in Princeton with my husband and 3 kids. I've been working with Fairview for 15 years as a phlebotomist in the lab. I decided to go back to school for my 2 year degree for Lab Tech. I am enrolled in the program at North Hennepin C.C.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? Microbiology was a very interesting topic in school and I am excited for my micro rotation here at FirstLight.
What are your three favorite movies? I like a lot of movies except sci-fi and scary movies.
What is your favorite color? Greenish-blue
What are your hobbies?: I love to go camping with my family and also sell Monat hair products.