Balancing Your Lifestyle Budget

Energy balance is another important part of maintaining a healthy weight.  When this balance is out of equilibrium, then weight gain or weight loss occurs.

The goal is to balance energy intake with energy expenditure, and maintain a healthy weight.

Energy intake occurs in the form of calories consumed by what we eat and drink.  Energy expenditure occurs by day-to-day activity, exercise, and what we burn in resting calories (respiration, digestion, etc).  Eating just 150 calories more a day than you burn can lead to an extra 5 pounds over 6 months.  That’s a gain of 10 pounds a year.

The healthiest way to balance your calorie budget is a combination of healthy eating and physical activity.  Your calories in should equal your calories out.  Of course there are other pieces of the puzzle that may contribute to energy balance in some cases.  Talk with your doctor about what may be affecting your lifestyle budget.

To see what your daily calorie allowance is, use the chart below.  This is a good first step in helping become better acquainted with your lifestyle budget.

STAY TUNED!  Next week learn tips on energy balance in real life.