Parks & Rec Month comes to a close

Thank you to everyone that sent in selfies, it looked like everyone enjoyed getting outside!!

If you sent in a photo, pick up your sunscreen from Anna’s office — last door on the right down the HR hallway.

Just a few days left in Parks & Rec Month

Get outside and snap a selfie to send to by Monday, August 2nd to get a travel sunscreen!

If you’ve submitted a photo and haven’t yet gotten your sunscreen, come on down to Anna’s office — last door on the right down the HR hallway.

July is UV Safety Month

While you’re getting outdoors, remember UV Safety!

S-Sunscreen-use it!
U-Use caution near water as it reflects and intensifies damaging rays
N-Non-melanoma-3,500,000 cases of skin cancer in the U.S. this year-the most common of all cancer types

S-Seek shade-between 10 A.M and 2 P.M.
M-Moles-get them checked
A-Apply-sunscreen 30 minutes BEFORE exposure
R-Reapply-sunscreen often
T-Tan-there is no such thing as a healthy suntan

Keep sending in those selfies for Parks and Rec Month!
*If you’ve sent in a photo, come grab your sunscreen from Anna’s office — last door on the right down the HR hallway!

Baseline Concussion Testing Clinic for Student Athletes

Athletic Trainers, High School Coaches, and Athletic Directors are encouraging area student athletes to complete this 10-minute assessment before fall sports begin.

Concussion baseline testing is free and is a requirement for all student athletes attending our area schools.

Registration info can be found here on our public site.

July 15, 11am-2pm at Hinckley-Finlayson Fitness Center Community Education Rooms

July 20, 11am-2pm at Mora High School near the Athletic Training Room

July 21, 11am-2pm at Pine City High School in the Gym/Multipurpose Room

Benefits of the Outdoors

We know it’s a good thing to be outdoors, but here are five specific benefits that may motivate you to get out there!

  1. Your Vitamin D levels go up
  2. You get more exercise
  3. You’re happier
  4. Your concentration will improve
  5. You may heal faster

Read the full article from Harvard Medical School:

Get outdoors and send in a selfie at a city, state, or national park to!