Kindness Grams Today!

Find everything you need in Meeting Room 1 or the break rooms in Pine City and Hinckley! Deliver yourself, or have the Wellness Committee deliver!

Can’t make it to one of the designated spots? Print your own below or use whatever paper you have!
*Be sure to write the recipient’s full name and department.

Friday Funny

Happy Friday! Enjoy the last Friday jokes for the month:

How long does it take a nurse to change a light bulb? About 15 seconds tops to change it and 20 minutes to document it — how, when, where, why and what serial number it had. –submitted by Michelle Vork

Why did the banker quit his job? He lost interest! –submitted by Sandy Johnson

I was wondering why music was coming from my printer…apparently the paper was jamming! –submitted by Ryan Sjoberg

Friday Funny

Here’s your Friday laugh! Do you have a joke to submit? You can still do that here through May 31st!


What do you give a sick lemon? Lemon aid! –submitted by Nicole Westman

If athletes get athlete’s foot, what do elves get? Mistletoe! — submitted by Mellissa Milliman

What happened to the frog’s car after he crashed? It got toad! — submitted by Patience Lind

Friday Funny

Here’s your Friday afternoon laugh! Do you have a joke to submit? You can still do that here through May 31st!

What did 50 Cent do when we was hungry? 58! –submitted by Marcus Hoyles

What do you call a fish that’s wearing a bow tie? So-fish-ticated! –submitted by Casey Cheney

Did you hear about the kidnapping?! It’s ok, he woke up! –submitted by Liz Eklund

Funny Friday

Have a laugh with just a couple of the jokes that have been submitted so far!

Don’t forget to submit your own jokes here!

Why do ducks have tail feathers? To cover their butt-quacks! –submitted by Andy McCann

Did you know you can actually hear the blood in your veins? You just have to listen varicosely. –submitted by Tember Cooper

Why did the tomato blush? He saw the salad dressing! –submitted by Mellissa Milliman

Trex Recycling Update

Thank you to everyone who has been bringing in their plastic recycling for the Trex Recycling Program!

The Mora Campus has recycled 224.4lbs in just ONE month! Way to go, we’re nearly halfway to our first bench!

Recycling bins in Mora are currently being emptied on Mondays. If you see a bin that needs to be emptied during the week, please reach out to Anna at