Updated brand guidelines for Welia Health

Remember when we unveiled our new name and brand? It turns out it’s been almost four years, and since then, we’ve had a few changes!

Take a moment to peek through the brand guidelines. It’s packed with information about what our logo means [page 3], Welia Health-approved fonts [page 9], what our tagline means, colors [page 8], how to display date, numbers, telephone numbers and time [page 19] email signature lines [page 20], and much much more!

The document is housed here – J:\Depts_Shared\Public\Marketing

Or you can download it here –

Employee holiday gift

As a token of our appreciation for your hard work and dedication this past year, we are excited to give a holiday gift to all staff members. The gift distribution will take place on Wednesday, December 20, see details below:

Mora (Meeting room 1)

  • 7-9am
  • 11am-1pm
  • 3:30-5pm

Pine City

  • 12-1pm


  • 2-3pm

Please come pick up your gift during these designated times or contact your manager to make alternative arrangements if you cannot make it during these hours.

We wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season of joy and peace.

Attitude of gratitude

What, Why and How

For the remainder of the month of November, the Patient Experience group would like remind everyone to focus on an Attitude of Gratitude.

Flyer credit – Grace Barritt

MSDS Online toolkit

Look for the new online MSDS online tool kit under the ‘need a little help‘ tab. This chemical management tool streamlines the process of locating and updating MSDS sheets into the binders found within departments. The program has an intuitive search bar and Amazon-like functionality, to easily find the MSDS you need.

Please note, that if a particular MSDS is unavailable, users can readily search for it and add it to their cart. A notification will be sent for approval, and the MSDS will promptly be added.

Users can search for MSDSs by:

  • product name
  • product code
  • manufacturer or
  • product CAS number.

The current library houses approximately 700 chemicals.

Questions? Reach out to Materials.

World Diabetes Day

November 14, 2023

November 14th is World Diabetes Day, honoring the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin in 1922 with Charles Best. The blue circle, adopted in 2007, represents the global symbol for diabetes awareness, uniting us against the diabetes epidemic.

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. It affects about 37 million Americans, including adults and youth. Diabetes can damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart, and it is linked to some types of cancer.

The Diabetes Education team at Welia Health is here to help you and your family learn how to manage diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2. Our educators will work with you to establish individual goals so you can feel better and reduce your risks of developing diabetes-related complications.

Additional resources about living with diabetes can be found here:
American Diabetes Association, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Open Enrollment For Your 2024 Benefits: November 14 – November 28, 2023.

It’s time for you to review your employee benefit plan choices and make annual benefit enrollment decisions for 2024.  Please review the 2024 benefits guide and 2024 Welia Health OE changes in the links below as there are some changes to the plan designs for 2024.  Open enrollment begins Tuesday, November 14, 2023, and stays open through Tuesday, November 28, 2023 (midnight). 

2024- Welia Health OE Changes

To enroll online, please refer to the Employee Enrollment Experience and Ease User Guide below or click:  https://weliahealth.ease.com. To reset your password, click the Forgot? and the system will walk you through the process.  HR can reset your passwords and get you your login information too, please email hr@welia.org and we will send you this information.  Once you get started, you may, at any time during the process log out and log back in at a later time to complete your enrollment, your elections will auto save.  Please be sure to click all the way through to signing the documents, clicking finish, and submit.  Please see the employee enrollment experience link below for best practices for utilizing Ease.  

To enroll with an HR Team member:  Appointments will be necessary this year to walk you through the enrollment process. Please email hr@welia.org to set up an appointment with Teams conference call or in person options. 

Employee Enrollment Experience

Welia Health Ease User Guide

Additional information can be found in the Human Resources tab for further assistance on enrollment.

Happy Rad Tech Week!

*Edit — Morgan M., RT,was inadvertently missed from the post last week, she was added to the graphic below. Happy Rad Week, Morgan!

National Radiologic Technology Week (NRTW) is held the week of November 5 to celebrate Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen’s discovery of the X-ray. It is commemorated every year to honor the essential work of RT’s around the country.

National Radiologic Technology Week was established in 1979 by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists. Historically, NRTW has not always been held in November. The first National Radiologic Technology Week was held from July 22 to 29, 1979, which was over 40 years ago. The date of the commemoration was later changed to the week of November 8, honoring the discovery of the X-ray by German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen on November 8, 1895.

Imaging operations and radiation therapy treatments are performed by radiologic technologists or RT’s. Radiologists read and interpret medical images, and they collaborate with them. MRI, X-ray imaging, mammography, CT scans, ultrasound, sonography, PET, and fluoroscopy are all examples of this.

Stop by and visit with any of the imaging crew —

Imaging Techs
Jake Hanenburg, Jeremy Kuznia, Gabe Peck, Curt Wojciechowski, Morgan Young, Grace Miettunen, Aidan Johnson, Marcie Berglund, Lindsay Wood, Aaron Traugh, Indigo Isackson Rod, Emmy Kuzel, Angie Nelson, Dan O’Connor, and Mandy Nelson

Imaging Front Desk
Leslie Karg, Shirley Peters, Cynthia Randall

Imaging Assistants
Molly Garman, William Blowers, Emma Folkema, Rhiannon Ashworth, Casey Cheney

Imaging Manager
Leann McMullen