August 2009 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

August 26, 2009

Attendance: Randy Ulseth, Diane Bankers, Myrna Sampson, Bill Kellogg, Sue Belford, Pat Runquist, Katie Kerr, Brent Thompson, Chris Kimbler, Ellen Ryan, Fran Kacon, Kris Bombard, Deb Wright, Bob Woods, Karen Renaud, Dawn Plested

Absent: Jo DeFeyter, Kim Carlson, Mike Pintar

Hospital Board Update/ Randy Ulseth

  • Gordy Forbort presented a Kanabec Hospital feasibility study that was requested by the Hospital Board.
  • A power point presentation was given on Medical Identity Theft by Ellen Ryan.
  • Business Office space update was given.
  • Allina collaboration update was given and a discussion on the clinic negotiation timeline.
  • Convenience Care update was presented.

Financial Update/Randy Ulseth

  • July was a good month, 6% over budget for net operating revenue, bottom line was over budget.

DON-Outpatient Services Update/Myrna Sampson

  • There have been some issues with the hospital pagers. A form has been developed to track problems and/or make suggestions. The form is available on the intranet and also online under Hospital-wide forms.

COO Update/Chris Kimbler

  • Discussion was held on the PTO vs. PTX. A committee was formed including S. Belford, D. Bankers, F. Kacon, K. Renaud, K. Carlson, and D. Wright. The committee will meet to evaluate and define PTO/PTX for management purposes and will report back at the next manager meeting.
  • In an effort to clean up some of the old material on the public folder, managers are asked to delete or remove old power point presentations. Kris Bombard or Rose Hansen can delete them or they can be saved to a personal folder.
  • The old business office space will start to be renovated in the next couple of weeks. Timeline is approximately 2 months and when completed, HR, Business Office, Marketing, and Accounts Payable will be located in the space.

Quality Update/Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen gave a power point presentation on Medical Identity Theft. Managers can contact Ellen or Sue to have them present the power point during one of their staff meetings.
  • MCE students will again be starting here in the fall. Ellen will be meeting with the MCE coordinator next week to discuss changes that will take place regarding the authorization needed from patients so that students may be allowed to work in direct patient care areas.


  • Community Walk is scheduled for September 26th – at Nordic Center.
  • Men’s Health Event scheduled for October 22nd.
  • Women’s Health Event will be in November.
  • IT department has purchased “IN Sync” program to use in the ‘Test and Live” environments.
  • Purchasing will start using 50% recycled copy paper.
  • Sue Belford is working on updating HIPAA policies and Business Associate Agreements.
  • Disaster drill was successful. A summary will be available on the intranet.
  • OR and ED modules are ahead of schedule.
  • Physical Therapy, Lab and Pharmacy all have students starting next week.
  • Pine City PT had a record month in July.

Kris Bombard, Recorder